✧ Ᏼꭺꮪꭲꭺꭱꭰ ✧

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This is supposed to be described as like just getting a feel for eachother...no pun in-  anyways that's the point [


Minho's back hit the door hard.

 With Chan's wandering hands, tight grip on his waist and his other hand starting to feel up his shirt. "Mm~ Fuck Chan." He really couldn't help himself, attaching himself to Minho's lips before he could even unlock the front door.

Minho clutched his keys tightly with his freehand, trying his best not to drop it. "L-Let me open the door first." Chan's kisses trailed off and onto his neck, roughly tounging at the skin.

"Try your best baby." Minho basically had to blindy push the key into the lock, every now and then having to stop due to Chan distracting him. When he finally was able to get it open, the both of them stumbled into the apartment, lips never parting.

Chan pushed Minho's jacket off of his shoulder, hitting the floor along with his own. He loosened his grip on the male, letting Minho lead him deeper down the hallway with a dopey smirk on his face.

"Hurry up." Minho practically threw his room door open, pushing Chan inside. The older took a small look around, taking in his light decor. It was cute, fit the male to a tee. Light pastels in color and random cat paraphernalia practically everywhere.

Chan backed onto the bed while holding onto Minho's belt loop. When he fell he brought the male with him, Minho landing directly on his chest. "You look even prettier here than you did in the club." Chan reached up and curled a piece of his hair around his finger.

"Are you saying I looked close to ugly when you first met me?"
Minho's head dipped lower, giving Chan a playful kind of look.

He grabbed a hold of his chin, "Mmm...more like, close to beautiful." Chan pulled him down, pressing a soft kiss that instantly went south once his hands squeezed at his ass.

"You're definitely a smooth one, aren't you?"

Chan shrugged, that signature smirk of his on his face. "Maybe. You seem to like that about me though." His hands moved to Minho's waist, guiding his hips to rock against his own.

He was already half hard and the younger could feel it. "I do. Guess that's why you caught my eye." Minho fisted at Chan's shirt for leverage, grinding his hips down the way the other wanted.

Minho's fingers found themselves underneath the older's shirt, feeling against his chest. He fiddled with the waistband of his pants but not going as far as the other wished.

"...But i'd like you a lot better if you'd fuck me already."

Chan bit his bottom lip, the male's words enough to get him going. "Alright. All you had to do was ask, babe." He got a firm grip on Minho and flipped them over so he was under him.

"Didn't know you wanted me so bad." Chan hooked his arm under his shirt and pulled it off in one motion. He tossed it away, grabbing Minho's hand and laying it flat on his chest.

Minho felt over his skin for a second before leaning up to grab onto his neck. "Shut up." He yanked Chan down to his level, lips fitting together easily. Their teeth knocked together briefly but neither of them cared.

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