✧ Ꮮꭺꭲꭼ Nꮖꮐꮋꭲꮪ ✧

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I absolutely don't like this (Hatee itt) but posting it anyway because it might be a little while before I update again. I'm so sorrrryyyyyyyy

"It's kind of late isn't it?"

Chan looked up from his phone to take a glance at the other male in his room. "Yeah, so? Trying to leave me already?" He tossed his phone down, laying back on his bed, patting his lap as to call the other over.

Minho got onto the bed not a second later, getting on top of Chan and straddling his waist. He placed his arms on either side of Chan's head to keep himself up-right, leaning forward to rest his forehead against the older's.

"Gonna miss me?"

Chan had a cheeky smile on his face, moving so his lips just about touched Minho's. "And if I say I do?" His hands slipped into his back pockets, laughing at the younger's agitated face.

"Why do you always have to answer a question within a question?" Minho rolled his eyes hard but couldn't keep his own smile off his face.

"I don't know what you mean by that."

"Just answer me like a normal person, idiot." He kissed Chan's forehead then flicked it right after, giggling at the way his face scrunched.

"Let's go do something~"

Minho jumped off the bed, grabbing Chan's arm and attempting to pull him up as well. Eventually he got the older to stand and dragged him through his house and down the stairs. 

"What could you possibly want to do right now?"

To no one's surprise, Minho had stopped in the kitchen. Immediately rummaging through their fridge and cupboards. "Hungry? I haven't gone grocery shopping in like a week so-"

Minho pulled his head out of the cabinets, waving around a box of dried noodles. "You have enough for pasta!" He pushed around the instant boxes of ramen, shaking his head at just how many boxes there really were.

"From this alone I can guess you don't cook. Right?" Chan shook his head no, scratching the back of his neck as he laughed. "Okay, cooking lessons it is!"

Minho happily took everything out that they'd need and set it onto the counter. He bounced around the kitchen once he was, coaching Chan on what to do and how to do it.

Chan was a little awkward while cooking, big form stumbling around and clumsily dropping things while Minho on the other hand had no problem moving through the kitchen.

"Make sure to stir the noodles every once in a while so they don't get stuck to the pot."

Whenever he did something correctly (or even if he didn't) Minho would clap and tell him how much of a good job he was doing.

"Not bad, Channie!" He placed a hand on Chan's shoulder, leaning up to kiss the older only to have him tilt his head away. "What?-"

Chan wiped his hands with a nearby towel, stepping away from the other. "We don't have to kiss all the time, you know?" He laughed about it even though he was completely serious. "You're making it feel like we're dating or some shit."

Kissing wasn't necessarily looked at as intimate to Chan anymore. But even with that said, it begins to feel that way when they start to hold a different meaning to it. With Minho it felt a little too normalized and Chan wasn't sure if he was okay with that. They were too close, too touchy feely for Chan to just think nothing of it.

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