✧ Ꭰꭼꭼꮲꭼꭱ Ꭲꮋꭺɴ Ꮪꮇꮻꮶꭼ ✧

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I lied about not being able to post for a while. I got tooo excited and started the next chapter since I had some ideas. 

After dropping Minho off, Chan straight up jogged home. He was a little nervous considering he didn't know what awaited him when he got to the apartment.

He knew Changbin was alright which was his biggest worry. As long as the younger was okay, then Chan could feel a little at ease.

When he finally came up to his apartment complex, he took a look around. It was dark obviously but he could make out a group of people that looked completely out of place.

'Fuck, I didn't think they'd stick around.'

Their backs were turned, laughing loudly with either a bottle or a cigarette in hand. Chan pondered on his options, thinking of what to do to get inside of the apartment safely.

He pretty much said 'fuck it' when he couldn't think of anything - pulling his hood up and tilting his head downwards. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, holding tightly to the handle in his pocket. He attempted to walk by, quickening his pace when he got close.

The sound of talking quieted, sending Chan into a small state of panic. He sped up, just barely passing them before he was getting pulled backwards by his jacket hood. 

"Where you going, Chris?"

Chan turned, eyes quickly shifting through the group of six, both men and women. "Wasn't gonna pass by without saying hello first, right?" He looked at the hand grasping hard onto his arm, painted nails digging into his skin.

"No, not at all. I just uh...didn't see you guys here actually."

The girl gripping Chan's arm scoffed, she pushed him back by his shoulder. Two guys from behind taking her place. "Do you think i'm stupid?"

They grabbed Chan, knocking him off his balance from the sudden force. He couldn't really do much considering the men holding onto him were significantly stronger together than he was.

"Get the fuck off me!"

He struggled in their hold, managing to get one hand free only to be grabbed again.

They threw him into the alleyway, his back hitting the concrete floor hard. The rest of the group filed down into the dark street. "You forgot about something didn't you?" One male crouched in front of Chan's form, tauntingly waving his hand over his face.

Chan didn't answer, instead kept his head downwards. "Gonna fucking pretend like you didn't hear me?" He was grabbed roughly by the chin, being forced to look up. "Where's our shit?"

"I don't have it..."

"What do you mean you don't have it?"

"Exactly what just I said. I don't fucking have it."

Chan felt a stinging pain in his stomach, and then his back and then pretty much everywhere. He closed his eyes at this point, the feeling of multiple kicks and punches not unfamiliar but definitely not welcomed.

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