✧ Ꮇꮖꮪꭼꭱꭺᏼꮮꭼ ✧

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The death of a bachelor hits after not listening to it in a while lol 

and blasting it through my speaker is just ughghghgh

"Alright, go on then."

Minho was petty but he wasn't heartless. He'd listen to whatever Chan had to say, both because he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and also because he was just interested in general.

Chan brought his leg up on the couch, turning so his back was leaning against the arm rest. He didn't speak right away, he couldn't. He knew what to say but he just didn't know how to word it.

"Uh- so...I've had a lot of time to think since the last time I saw you and-"

"Sorry to interrupt but I would've stayed longer, I didn't leave because I wanted to...Anyway! Continue." Minho said it in a sarcastic tone, crossing his arms when he was finished.

Chan sighed, he dropped his head to the side before turning his attention back to the other. "I know, I know. And you don't understand how sorry I am about that."

Chan rose from his seat, getting onto his knees in front of Minho. He grasped onto his hand, his own shaking uncontrollably. "M-Minho, I didn't mean to do...that t-to you."

Minho didn't know what to do. He'd never ever seen Chan so vulnerable like this, especially right in front of him. "I swear I- never- no I wouldn't." Chan dropped his head against the younger's thighs, hiding his face from view.

"Chan-?" Minho's hand hovered above his head, hesitant to touch him. His whole body was shaking and soon enough he could hear small heaves coming from Chan. 

"You're not crying are you- you are!"

Minho placed his hands against the sides of Chan's face, lifting him up. "...Channie, calm down." He pulled his sleeve down, using the material to wipe at the male's face. He frowned at the sight, absolutely disheartening to see him in this state.

Minho always had a small thought in his mind that he may have jumped to conclusions so suddenly. 

He knew Chan but did he really know Chan? Did he know who Chan was outside of their conversations and hangouts? The truth of the matter was no, he didn't know much.

A normal person wouldn't have freaked out over such words, maybe be bothered by it but that's it. Chan had to have some kind of deeper problem...trauma even that went over Minho and his small confession. Some past things that Chan just couldn't let go.

It was hard to bear at the moment but thinking back on it, Minho could see parts of the problem he missed and should've thought about it.

"Hey, hey." Minho called him softly, gaining enough of his attention to talk to him. "Stop crying, okay? I'm not mad about the shit anymore." He wiped his face again, thumbs smoothing over his cheeks to try and get Chan to calm down.

Minho without a doubt could not stand other people crying, for two reasons. One being because it made his own heart clench and the other because it was plain out annoying.

"I just want you to tell me whatever you were going to say."

Once he finished the water works, Minho patted his head before pointing to the seat next to him. Chan sat considerably closer now, their legs somewhat touching.

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