✧ Ꭱꭼꮲꮮꭹ Ꮇꭼ Nꮻꭲ ✧

844 48 21


This was a bitch to write for some reason. That's why it took so long smh 


Felix was running after the male , chasing him down an entire block and then all the way to their car.

He watched Minho open the door and climb inside the vehicle. Felix never felt so relieved in his life - running really wasn't for him. It was pouring pretty heavy, the rain easily soaking through Felix's jacket and he hadn't even been out that long.

Felix opened the driver seat door and climbed in slowly. "Jeez... you run fast." Felix practically wheezed out the sentence, taking deep breaths between each word. "I think I have asthma-"

When Felix finally caught his breath, he looked over to Minho. He hadn't said a word the entire time which was highly unlike him.

"Min?" If Felix was drenched then Minho was even worse. His hair hung in his face and his clothes were starting to drip water onto the seats. Minho sat stiffly, hands clasped in his lap.

"What's wrong babes?"

Felix was ready to climb over the console and wrap the male in a hug but was told not to. Minho held a hand up, shaking his head. "I-uh, not right now, Felix."

His voice was shaky, he looked to the younger just for a few seconds but Felix could tell he had been crying.

Felix watched him for another second before turning forwards and starting up the car. He couldn't do much but he hoped that when they got home Minho would open up.

He kept his focus on the road but whenever they stopped at a red light Felix's mind would wander to all the possibilities of what could have made Minho's mood just drop so quickly.

It wasn't like him...Felix was determined to find out what had gone wrong.

·゜-: ✧ :- ❃ -: ✧ :-゜·

"What's the matter?"

Felix followed right behind Minho, repeatedly asking the same question. "Min, Min, Min, Min, Min, Min, Min! Min-" He walked all the way to the older's room where they fought against the door - Minho trying his hardest to slam it in his face.

"Stop it, Felix!"

He gave up after a minute of struggle, just letting the persistent male into the room, Minho threw his hands up in frustration, turning around and flopping face first into the bed.

"But Minho..."

Felix stepped into the room, sitting next to the other on the bed. "I just want to make sure you're okay." He placed a hand on Minho's back, soothingly rubbing back and forth once he noticed his body starting to slightly shake.

"What happened? Why'd you run out like that?" He let Minho take his time to answer, helping him sit up but still clasping onto his hand.

"I just...had a little- misunderstanding with Chan." He held onto Felix's hands, dropping his head and playing around with his fingers as a distraction.

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