✧ Ꮁ̵ꮮꭼх​ꮖᏼꮖꮮꮖꭲꭹ Ꭲꭼꮪꭲ ✧

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Hi and welcome to another smut chapter...enjoy?  

[an extra long one at that....that's what she said- I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T MADE THAT JOKE IN AN EXTREMELY LONG TIME] 


Minho's been staying over at Chan's house a lot more now, finding it alot more convenient.

Chan even cleaned out a draw and a small section of his closet for the male. It was easier since Minho slept over a lot of nights and would usually wear the older's clothes. Not that he was complaining, Minho looked absolutely adorable drowning in his clothes.

Changbin was the one that did the laundry, talked Chan's ear off about having to do an extra load.

Anyway, Minho had rearranged the living room to his liking. 

Pushing the couch over and the small coffee table away so there was a good enough amount of space in front of the television. He found an old yoga program and decided to do it out of boredom.

He placed a mat in the center, following the woman's instruction in front of him. It was pretty easy actually. Minho thought it would be harder than he thought but once he really got into it - yoga was kind of fun.

Minho was on all fours, arching and lifting his back.

At the same time, Chan was casually walking down the stairs from his room. When he hit the last step and looked around, the first thing his eyes fell on was Minho's ass. He was literally on his hands and knees in the middle of his living room. So whose fault was it really?


Minho looked over on his shoulder, not paying Chan any mind and lifting to his feet, dropping his shoulders low and ass high in the air.

"What's this about?" Chan walked closer and stood directly behind Minho. He couldn't resist the temptation, giving a hard slap to the younger's ass. "For me?"

"Chan!" Minho dropped onto the mat to escape the male's wandering hands. "I'm doing yoga, have you never seen a person doing yoga in there spare time?" He said it in that sassy tone that Chan couldn't get enough of.

His eyes kind of just stared at Minho's legs and the tight leggings hugging his thighs. He gave the male a look once he finally understood what he had said. "Yoga? This just feels like another one of your silly tactics to get me to fuck you."

Minho scoffed, turning his head to hide how his face was heating up. He was just trying to cure his boredom but now he's getting the thought of something else. "No...I" Chan crouched in front of him, head tilted.

"I'm just trying to do this- uh what's it called?... Downward dog pose and you're distracting me!"

Chan watched him for a second, tongue licking over his lips. "Oh yeah? Wanna do our own kinda yoga then?" Chan stood behind him again, lifting his hips more and pressing them back against his own. "Downward dog on this di-"

"Chan!" Minho stood this time, turning to face the older and pushing him back by the shoulder lightly. "The sun is out...it's still daytime." He waved his hands around, pointing out the window to express his point.

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