✧ Ꭲꮻꮪꮪ Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꮯꭺꭱꭰꮪ ✧

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Yes, what pushed me to update this was that fine ass pic Chan published on insta.  

Maybe Minho was overreacting. Did he really have to leave Chan in his time of need just because of his own selfish thoughts?

That had been the one and only thought bouncing around his head for about three weeks. He could barely focus on anything without wanting to bawl his eyes out.

He was doing better though, somewhat. Minho had Felix and though they were both kind of broken it was easy to lean on one another when they needed it. (Minho more then Felix)

But again, did Chan deserve that? Did he do the right thing?

Minho prioritized himself, putting his well-being first before their 'relationship' and in his mind....at the moment, it seemed like the correct thing to do. Still, Minho couldn't help but let his mind wander, what would have happened if he went a different direction.

"Hey, MINNIE!" Minho jerked up in his seat, he was about two seconds away from falling asleep until Felix called out his name. "I'm leaving, okay?"

He sat up, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "Where are you going?" Minho saw how dressed up he was and had a very bad feeling about the answer he'd receive. "You're not-"

"Yes. I'm going over to Binnie's..." He spoke quicker for the next half of his sentence so Minho couldn't cut him off, "and I don't want to hear anything about it! We made up." Felix walked to the mirror hanging in the hallway and applied a light coat of gloss to his lips.

"You've got to be kidding me." Minho crossed his arms over each other, disappointed but not surprised about how Felix is going about things.

When Felix loved, he loved hard. That was his problem.

He acted like he wouldn't be able to find anyone else out there when in reality people are lined up, waiting for a chance.

"Changbin literally confessed his love to Chan in front of you and said that he doesn't have feelings for you anymore but yet you're still-"

"Yes!" Felix closed his lipgloss roughly, a small snap sound heard from the applicator breaking in half. "He loves me, he said so himself!" Felix stuffed the small tube into his pocket, folding his arms over his chest.

"He's over Chan." His voice quieted towards the end of his sentence, a crack evident in it as his eyes watered. Felix quickly blinked them away, shaking the bad thoughts out of his mind.

Minho pitied him really, if only he could show Felix how much he was worth...then maybe he wouldn't stick with some guy that didn't even appreciate him like he should.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself? because right now I'm not falling for that bullshit."

Felix's composure snapped, all of that pent up anger, stress, and sadness being put out on Minho. Someone who's been there for him the entire time he'd been down.

"You know what, Minho? Maybe you should mind your own business." Felix didn't mean to but he slammed his hand onto the hallway table. "Your love life is just as shitty as mine!"

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