Chapter 28!

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“But, you know what?” Cody asked.

I looked at him.

“What?” I asked.

He smiled at me for a second and then looked at himself in the mirror.

“Do what makes you oh-so happy.” He said, getting up and walking to his bag.

That stayed in my head for a while.

The whole day actually.

Even after we toured the whole city in the Dominican, when we swam with dolphins and watched a shark show, and when we were jumping waves in the ocean. It still stayed in my head. Even after we watched the sunset, and then laughed until midnight on the beach and even when I laid next to Cody that night under the stars, it was still there. Do what makes you oh-so happy. It was such a simple phrase but it held such meaning, such power.

It finally hit me why it held such meaning and power to me. It hit me as I was on the tour bus, sitting next to Alli, drinking a smoothie.

It hit me because I’m doing what makes me oh-so happy. I’m spending time with people who make me oh-so happy. I’m trying different things and that’s what makes me oh-so happy. I’ve been oh-so happy all along. Ever since I met Cody, I’ve been oh-so happy.

I am oh-so happy.

It was already Cody’s 3rd show for his three-month tour and today was probably the most fun so far. We were in New York tonight, so Alli and I went shopping ALL day. We did invite Jessica, obviously, but she refused. She was a bit sassy that I had come on the tour. It doesn’t bother me one bit.

We’ve been waiting at the venue for about 15 minutes now. Jessica AND Ryan Beatty are opening for Cody tonight, so I’m really excited to meet Ryan again.

Everything got mixed up for Cody’s meet and greet tonight so we have to wait a little bit before he can go out and meet his fans.

Cody has been talking about me hanging around the meet and greet like Alli does sometimes, but I’m not so sure that’s a good idea just yet.

“Please?” Cody whined, grabbing my waist and pulling me to his lap.

“I don’t know, Cody. What if I get harassed?” I asked.

“You won’t!” He said.

“Why do you even want me to be there?” I asked.

“Well, my fans have to get used to the fact that you’re my girlfriend, so they’re going to be seeing more of you.” He said.

I shook my head.

“I just don’t think it’s the right time. Especially where you’re on tour.” I said.

“Come on! Please? Just this one time, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to continue doing it? Just hang around Alli and my crew. It’ll be fun, I swear!” He said, kissing my cheek.

“Fine, fine, fine.” I said, giving in.

I knew he wouldn’t give up no matter what I said. I always give into him anyways. He’s just too cute!

“Cody! They’re starting to let in your fans now. You’ve got 5 minutes!” Matt yelled from the doorway of Cody’s dressing room.

When he saw me on Cody’s lap, a small laugh slipped out of his mouth.

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