chapter 38

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I got a strange text from Cody after I was finished cleaning.

Cody: hey! Could you make Jake some noodles or something? He has no idea how to cook.

I laughed, texting Cody as I ran downstairs to put the left over kraft dinner in a bowl for Jake.

Me: of course

I then ran over to Cody's, where Jake was staying, and rang the doorbell. He opened it immediately, looking confused as to what I was doing with kraft dinner in a bowl.

"Cody told me to make you this, so here." I said, passing the bowl over to him.

He laughed.

"Sorry you had to make it, I just don't know how to cook anything." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's fine. Come over for breakfast tomorrow, I'll make some pancakes or whatever." I said, leaving Cody's porch, and walking over to my house, leaving Jake there, standing in the doorway.

I closed my front door, locking it. I then looked at the time and saw that it was a little past midnight, so I decided to get some sleep.

I went up to my room, and took a shower. When I was finished, I braided my hair so it would be wavy tomorrow. I brushed my teeth, and changed into some comfy clothes.

I shut my bedroom door, locking that as well. I put my phone on charge, and shut my light out, jumping into my bed, snuggling up to Fluffy.

I closed my eyes, and drifted off to a deep sleep.

I woke up to my alarm. It was 10am, so I decided to get up and start making breakfast for Jake and I, like I told him I would.

I washed my face, and took the braid out of my hair. I decided I would make today my pajama day, so I didn't bother changing. 

I rushed downstairs to find Jake knocking on my front door, so I quickly let him in, hoping he wasn't there for long.

He came inside, shutting the door behind him as he took his shoes off and sat down at the kitchen table. I laughed, and watched as he looked me up and down.

"Pajama day?" He asked, shyly.

I nodded my head, smiling, and began to make some bacon, eggs, and pancakes for the both of us. Lately, I haven't been so picky, and I'll pretty much eat whatever now. I realizied how important eating is this past year, and how quickly my body will change if I don't eat properly. Besides, I like the feeling of being full now. I love sitting down to eat a nice meal, and I'm glad I realized it soon enough before I ruined my body.

It didn't take long to cook breakfast, so Jake and I were eating soon enough.

"How is it?" I asked, hoping he liked it.

"It's delicious. You're a really good cook!" He said, smiling.

I smiled back at him, and finished up the last couple bites of my pancake.

Jake finished before me, so I asked if he wanted more, but he said no.

He thanked me, and sat back in the chair for a little bit.

I watched my kitten skip through the kitchen, and into the living room.

I laughed at how cute she was, and so did Jake.

Crazy But True (SEQUEL TO ON MY MIND) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt