chapter 35!

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“Are you excited to go surfing?” She asked.

“I don’t know. I think I’m more nervous than anything.” I said.

“Why is that?” She asked, curious.

“I’m scared that I’ll fail and stuff and that everyone will laugh at me. I don’t know, it may just be my anxiety with people but I just don’t know.” I said, shrugging.

“I’m sure you’ll do great! And Cody’s friends aren’t the ones to laugh at people that hang around Cody anyways. If anything, you’ll be laughing at how bad THEY surf.” Alli said, laughing.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yup! They’re not really professionals, even Cody falls too.” She said.

That made me feel a little more at ease.

I nodded my head with approval.

“Girls! Ready to go?” Cody yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“Coming!” Alli yelled down.

“Ready?” Alli asked, smiling at me.

I sighed and smiled.

“Ready.” I said.

It seemed like we went to the farthest beach in Australia, because it took us hours to actually get there, which really annoyed me.

“Why did we have to go so far just to surf?” I asked, angrily as we all walked along the beach with our surfboards.

“This is the best beach that we could find, plus it’s one of the few beaches with not many people on it so that I wouldn’t get mauled by fans.” Cody said, stepping into the water.

I followed him. The water wasn’t freezing cold as I expected it to be, but it wasn’t the warmest either. It was really foggy too, so I couldn’t see much of the water.

“How are we going to see? This fog is nuts.” I said.

“It’ll clear up soon, it’s just morning fog.” Cody said.

“If you say so.” I said, going out into the water more.

Cody followed quickly behind me, reminding me not to go out too far.

Before we stepped foot onto the beach, Cody was teaching me how to stand on the surfboard when we got out of the car. It’s much more easier to stand on a surfboard when it’s on the ground and not in water though, so I knew this was going to be difficult.

Cody stopped me before I went any further, because I was up to my neck at this point and I needed to learn how to stand on the surfboard in the water before I can actually surf, and he didn’t want to teach me unless it was in shallow water so he brought me back until the water was at our waist.

I climbed on the surfboard with Cody’s help. I was now lying on my stomach waiting for a small wave to come along.

“Stand up now, there’s a small one coming.” Cody instructed.

I did as I was told and I stood up, only to fall off the board before the wave even got to me.

“Your balance isn’t the best, but we could work on that.” Cody said, helping me back onto the surfboard.

I nodded my head as I stood up again, only to fall into the water.

“Try standing up slowly.” Cody said, helping me onto the surfboard once more.

Crazy But True (SEQUEL TO ON MY MIND) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now