Chapter 2

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I walked back home thinking about Zoey. She was a vampire, but I couldn't believe it. I had to though, because if it wasn't true I would be walking with Tim and John back home. I was traumatized at the thought I had just met a vampire who had sucked the life out of my friends. What will their parents do? Will they blame me for all this?"  Zoey was very...amusing. I liked her for some reason. It was weird liking a vampire. Should I tell her? I don't think so. She might not like that and she may loose her temper on me. Plus, I can't even tell her because I won't get to see her again. I lost two of my friends to that girl. It was pretty frieghtning to think I have met an immortal. She's beautiful and very sweet, leaving out the fact that she ate my friends. 

I think I'm in love with her but I cant be. She's immortal and I'm a mortal. She lives forever and I die when I grow old. And I won't see her anymore, so that's a big gap in my love for her. She's very peculiar in some ways but in others she can be very normal like. I make my way down to my house as I go up the steps on my porch. I slowly open the door waiting to see my parents in front of me ready to yell at me. But they're not there. It's quiet and still. I tiptoe across the living room and I go passed the kitchen, and that's when I get stopped by my dad clearing his throat. I stop and turn around to face them. "Where have you been?" He asked with a deep strong voice, my mum next to him.

"I was out." I say. "We know but out where?"  "Out in the street with my friends. Tim and John." The thought of them gave me goosebumps. "And where are they?"  "Erm...home."I lie not wanting to tell them the truth. "No they're not. Tim and John's mums phoned in at 8 saying they missed cerfew." My mum scolds me. My hands shake nervously as my mum and dad look at me madly. "Harry...where are they?" My mum asks looking straight at me. "If I told you, you wouldn't beleive me." I tell her. "Just tell us Harry, or we will be charged with the case of two missing teenage boys." my dad says. "They...they were killed."  "What?"  "They were killed. We were out in the forest and got killed." I couldn't tell them about Zoey. They wouldn't believe me or they would, I don't know what they would do. "Killed how?" My mum asks scared. 

"A...a wild...a wild fox." I lie again. My dad inhales deeply then exhales. My mum's eyes fill with freight. "Mum I- I didn't know it was going to happen. We were just walking when I remembered I had dropped my keys in the forest and... and I went to look for them and a wild fox came by and took Tim and John away....and I ran away not knowing where the fox was headed afterwards." I say a total lie that I didn't even know I could think of. My mum's hands shake with fear. My dad's head turns to face my mum. "We have to inform Laura and Stace." He says. Laura was Tim's mum and Stace was John's mum. "Mum I-"  "It's alright Harry, but we still have to ground you for passing cerfew."  "A- alright."

I go into my room and lock the door while my parents think of the situation. I try to sleep but my mind keeps on focusing on the events that happened not to long ago. I slowly start to fall asleep after I relax and close my eyes. 

Zoey's POV

I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way towards the couch snuggling up with my mother and father,my mother to my right and my father to my left. "What are we watching?" I ask them. "Inception." My mother replied. I watched with them until I heard a loud yawn coming from my right side. I saw my little brother scratching his eyes and then blinking wildely. "Hello Mikey J." My mother says holding out her arms for him. He sits on her with his head lays on her chest. "Are you hungry my son?" Father asks him. Mikey J nods and gets up and rapidly flies out the window, the long tails on his black suit following behind him. My mother rolls up the sleeves on her dress that is exactly like mine and puts her arm around me.

"Mom?"  "Yes?"  "Did you ever have a friend who was mortal?"  "What makes you ask that?" She giggles a bit and looks down at me. "Well I kind of met this boy."  Her fingers swipe away my curly hair from my face. "What is he like?"  "Well he has curly hair and tan skin and his eyes are green."  "He seems pretty handsome."  "He's very sweet too mother. But he's...he's different."  "Why?"  Her hand strokes my hair. "He's mortal mother."  Her eyes widen in shock. "How did you two meet?"  "Well I had his two friends for breakfast today."  "And what happend to him?"  "We kind of started talking and I let him off the hook." I look down and start to fiddle with my fingers. "Does he know your not mortal?"  "Yes he does."  "Wasn't he scared of you?"  "No mother. He was very friendly."  She raises an eyebrow. 

"Alright Zoey just be careful with the people you talk to. They can mistreat you and they might think your abnormal and harm you."  "I'll be fine."  "I'm just trying to keep you safe."  "I know mother."  "What's his name?"  "Harry. Harry Styles."  "Will I ever get to meet him?"  "I don't think so mother."  "Why?"  "Mother we met in the forest. I don't think he's coming back."  "It's alright. Did he hurt you?"  "Mother I told you he was very friendly."  "I know but I just wanted to make sure."  "He did hurt me once but it was no big deal."  "What!?"  "Mother relax. He didn't know who I was. He was just using self defense."  "And why did this happen and how?"  "I was about to have him for breakfast too but he must've heard my footsteps and he panicked and cut my hand with his key."  "But your fine right?"  "Mother why wouldn't I be?"

She smiles at me. "Mother, I'm going to have a shower and sleep a little more." I tell her and walk away."Oh Sophie's coming over in a while." She says and I nod. I go upstairs and walk down the hallway and into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I unzip the zipper on my dress in the back making the dress fall down to my ankles. I took off my undies and my bra and I stepped into the bathtub and I turned on the hot water. I let the water droplets trickle down my back and let it fall on my hair. I grabbed the shampoo and squirted some on my hand and smeared it on my hair. I then washed the shampoo off and grabbed the conditioner and squirted some on my hand and smeared it on my hair.

I then took it off and grabbed the soap and smeared it all over my body. I turned off the water and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around me and walked to my room where I found Fip in his cage, and I opened the little door. "Fip fetch my dress for me huh?" I tell him and he flies out of his cage into the bathroom. He comes back quickly flying with my dress. I stretch out my arm and he drops the dress on it and goes back into his cage. I close the little door and then walk over to my door and close it. I put the dress on and plop down on my bed. I turn to the side and instantly fall asleep. "Zoey darling. Wake up." My mother lightly shook my shoulder. 

I let out a light groan as my mother placed a light kiss on my cheek. "What time is it mother?" I open my eyes. "Let's just say it's light outside." She smiles and her thumb goes over my cheek. "Is Sophie here yet?"  "No but she will be in a bit."  "Ok. Mother do you mind handing me a glass of water?"  "Sure." Mother walks to my wardrobe and grabs a bell from the top shelf and rings it. Soon a floating tray with a glass filled with water comes in the room. "Ice or no ice?" She asks. "With ice." I reply. She snaps her fingers and ice appeares in the cup. The cup floats to me and I grab it and take a few sips. I let the cup float and snap my fingers and it slowly floats back to the tray. My mom waves gesturing it to go away and it goes away.

"Thank you Mother."  "No problem."  "Mother I'm going to change so if you don't mind."  "Oh yes I'll leave you to it." And she leaves. I get out of bed and walk to my wardrobe and take out a navy blue shirt with light blue shorts and black converse. I take off my dress and put on the other clothes. "Hey, hey, hey!" Sophie bursts into my room and jumps onto the bed. "Hello Sophie." I say hanging my dress. "So what are we doing?" She asks. I turn around closing the wardrobe doors. "We can just walk around." I tell her. "Yeah maybe talk about some stuff." She says getting out of my bed and stands next to me. "Or maybe have a little snack." She continues whispering in my ear and licking her lips seductiveley. 

At the speed of light I pin her shoulders down to the bed and I notice her fangs sticking out. "You have to control your hunger! We can't just go out and just eat up random inoccent people like it's all good! And here take these." I scold her and throw contacts at her. "Oh right. These again". Her fangs turn back into teeth. We exit the room into the bathroom. I open the little container holding the contacts and so does Sophie. She bumps me to the side giving herself space. I take my index finger and take out the contact and pop it into my right eye. Sophie does the same and I repeat the process with my left eye. We both close our containers and look into the mirror. The contacts aren't prescribed or anything. That would be weird because vampires have really good senses.

It's just for the color of our eyes. Now instead of them normally being red, we have blue eyes. "Ready?" I ask Sophie. "Yup."  "Let's go then." We exit the bathroom and rapidly go downstairs into the livingroom where Mother, Father, and Mikey J were watching a reality show. "Mother, Father I'm leaving with Sophie. We'll be back around dawn." I tell them. "Ok have fun!" My mother and father say in unison. We say our goodbyes and exit out the big double doors.

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