Chapter 21

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I wake up the next afternoon eager to move. I can't wait to move. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom shower, brush, and then dress up. It's around 2:30 in the afternoon and I keep packing the rest of my stuff. I set them on the livingroom floor.

"Harry I made you pancakes!  " Mum says stepping out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes. I walk to the table. "Thanks mum." I say and kiss her on the cheek. She smiles and places them on the table. I sit down next to her and my dad comes in. "Harry your eye is still black." My mum whispers running her thumb on my eyes. "Ow!" I whisper-yell. "Sorry." She takes her fingers off and then kisses my eye lightly.

"I see you're eating pancakes." Dad says. "Yes. Yes we are." I say and dig in.


I finish and get up from the table and grab my mum's plate, my dad's, and mine. I walk into the kitchen and place the plates in the sink and wash them while my parents go to their room. I finish washing the dishes and I walk into my room. I grab my phone and text Niall.

Me: Hey Niall think you can help me with the rest of the boxes.

Nialler: Yeah sure. Be there in a half hour.

Me: Ok thanks.

Niall arrives moments later and enters without knocking on the door again. "You really have to knock before you come in." I say. Niall rolls his eyes and picks up the first heavy box and walks out the door. We pack more boxes in Niall's and my car until there are no more left. "Well that's it." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Mum!" I call my mum. She comes quickly outside. "That's it." I say shrugging my shoulders. "That's it!? You're done already?"She says with wide eyes. "Yup." Niall says. Mum gives me a hug and squeezes me. I return the hug and kiss her cheek. We pull away and her eyes are teary. "What am I going to do without you Harry?" She asks letting a tear go. I wipe it away and smile. "Mum you're going make me feel bad." I say making her smile. "I'm gonna miss my baby." She whispers. "I'm gonna miss you to." I whisper back.

"Go. You two have fun and do your things." She says smiling. I kiss her cheek and she enters the house. I hop into my car and Niall into his. "And Harry don't forget to shower! And to brush your teeth! Oh and Harry don't forget to wash your hands!" Mum yells. "Yes I'll do that mum!" I say looking at her. Tears flow down her cheeks while she smiles. Dad comes out and hugs mum and waves at me. "And watch out for monsters Harry!" Dad playfully yells. When I was little I used to be really afraid of monsters under my bed and in my closet. "Yeah, yeah." I say and wave and then drive off.

We arrive a while later and we park. I get out and take a box from the car. Niall does to. We set the boxes down on the livingroom floor. We set all the boxes down on the floor and when we finish, I close the door. "Let's start to unpack." I say and sigh. "Ok. Let us unpack." Niall says and sighs to.


We unpacked alot of boxes. Almost all of them but we need only about 3 more left. We took so much time. It's already getting dark and I'm tired of unpacking boxes. "Do you want to stop and take a break?" I ask.  "No come on! We only have three left! The kitchen utensils, the bathroom stuff, and the bed sheets." Niall says. "No just a little break?"  "No come on we'll do it fast."  "Fine."  We first put in the kitchen utensils then the bathroom supplies and then my bed sheets. "Thanks man." I say as I throw myself on the bed. "Nah don't thank me." He says.

"Come on get up. I'm hungry." Niall says. I sigh and get up. I walk to the livingroom and into the kitchen. "Niall there's no food in here yet." I say pointing to fridge. "Then buy some!" He yells. "Ok, ok fine." I say and grab my keys and walk outside and hop into my car. I drive out to some fast food restaurant and go through the drive thru. I pick up my order, or Niall's order I should say, and give it to him. Before we arrive home he already eats the whole thing. "You eat fast." I say. "I was hungry." He says with a mouth full of food. We get out of the car and enter the flat and we sit on the couch and watch t.v. Soon Niall gets a call. "Ok....yeah I'll tell him...ok he's on his way." He says. "Who was it?" I ask. "Your mum. You left your phone." He says. I get up and walk back to my car and drive off again.

Zoey's POV

It's really late at night and my mother isn't back. And my father isn't back either. They're probably dealing with something. I pet Fip while I sit on the couch quietly with my feet curled up. "Where do you think Mommy and Daddy are?" I ask him. He just flaps his wings. I wait a little while more but they're still not back. Soon police cars and an ambulance pass by rushing. That's weird. I've never seen any police cars or ambulances pass by here. I should go check it out. I go outside and leave Fip in the house not to freak anybody out. I run and run about two to three blocks away from home and find a crowd of people. I tend to squeeze through until I get to the front. There's a familiar car that's crashed against another car. Wait......that's my mother's car.

"Stand back!" I hear a policeman yell. I see the ambulance and I look that by the side of the car and see paramedics on the floor. Their gloves are all bloody. Wait but I still can't forget about the fact that that's my mother's car. No it can't be. My mother has a sticker of a black rose at the back of the car. I look at the back and- oh no. There it is. My feet are quicker than my head and I run with tears. I hear the policeman yell at me but I ignore him. I run and fall onto my knees right next to my mother. The peramedics pull me back but I push them off. "I'm her daughter!" I yell and they let me go.

"Is she dead?" I ask crying. "Not yet." One of them says. "Yet!?" I yell. He nods sadly. "Mommy? Mommy! Mother!" I yell at her. She turns her head and looks at me. There's a giant bloody spot on the other side of her head that reaches to her neck and chest. I place my hands there and then on her face. "Zoey." She groans. "Mommy you're gonna be fine right!? Y-you can heal that right?! No big deal right! Right?!" I yell crying. The tears spill out of my eyes creating rivers on my arms. She shakes her head. "No! You're going to be fine mommy! Please! Stay with me! Please mommy I love you! Please!" I yell and grab her hand and place it on my cheek. "Everyone go home!" The policemen yell and everyone leaves. The peramedics start to pack up. "W-what are you guys doing? You have to help her!" I yell. "Zoey." Mother groans. "Yes?"  "Zoey...I love you....but..."  "But!?"  "You need to let go now ok?"  "No! I'm not letting go!"

"Yes. Let go Zoey." I grip her hand.

"No. No I'm not letting go." I say angrily.

"Zoey it's my time to go."

"Go? Go where. You're not going anywhere. You're supposed to live forever. Come on! Please!"

"Zoey I love you and I don't have long."

"You can heal that mom. You can heal it easily."

"It's too deep. Way too deep."

"No it's not! Heal it! Heal it now!"

"Zoey please understand."

"W-where's daddy?"

"Still out."

"Out? Out where?"

 "He's busy. He's going to be working extra late now that I'm gone but he's just busy with his boss."

"No! Shut up! You're gonna stay here with me!" They place her on a portable bed.

And before they took her way her last words were: ""

Dead. They take her away. Her hand falls out of mine and it hangs by the side of the bed.

I fall to the concrete floor and cry my eyes out. Someone runs to me and sits down next to me and places me on their lap and holds me tightly in their arms. "Shh. I got you." He whispers. He. Harry. I grip his shirt and sob onto his chest.

"I got you." He whispers again while he holds me very tight and kisses my hair.

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