Chapter 41

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"Get up you lazy scumbag." Niall says as I sit by the beach shore. I look up at him with an are you seriouse face. "I was just joking." He says and I look down and smile. "Here I'll help you up." He says and stretches a hand out. I grab it and stand up. He puts an arms around me and I walk on my bare feet with him along the shore line. "Niall?"  "Yeah?"  "How's Sophie?"  "She's ok. Why?"  "I don't know. I just haven't seen her in a long time and I want to know how she is."  "She's fine."  "How's Harry and his new job?"  "He's fine. He's having a hard time but he's fine. He came home exausted yesterday and he crashed on the couch."  "Oh. Wow. Sophie asked about you to you know."  "Really?"  "Yeah. She wanted to know how the baby was."  "I have an X ray from last month. I have to get an X- Ray today."  "Cool so do you know  if it's a boy or girl yet?"  "No not yet. We have to wait a little more."  "Oh so-" I cut Niall off by the baby kicking me which made me yelp.

"Oh god are you ok?" Niall says as I grip his hand. I breath in and out. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a kick."  "Wow was it that hard?"  "Yes it was."  "But you're sure your ok?"  "Yeah. Thanks."  "Cause I can call Harry right now and-"  "Niall I'm fine. Thank you." I smile at him. "Look feel." I tell him and grab his hand and put it over where the baby's kicking. He looks up at me and smiles. "Wow." He whispers and we stare at each other. He leans in but my stomach blocks him. "Oh um." He says making me giggle. "It's ok. " I say looking down. "We say nothing to Harry or Sophie." he says. "No. Nothing." I say and he puts his arm around me again.

"Zoey!" I hear a familiar girl yell. I turn my head around to face Scarlet. She runs over to me and Niall and I fully turn around. "Hey Scarlet." I say. She cocks her head to the side as she looks at my stomach. "Oh. Yeah." I say. "How old are you again?" She asks. "Um 19." I say. "Aren't you a little to young to-"  "Yeah just forget about it. So you really like the beach." I say changing the subject. "Yeah I do. Is this your boyfriend?" She asks looking at Niall. "Oh no. He's my boyfriends best friend. He's dating my best friend."  "Wow that's complicated to understand."  "Yeah well. So is that your boyfriend over there?" I ask her pointing to a guy she was before who is playing volley ball.

"Yeah. He's way better than Ronny."  "I see. I think he's calling you." Her boyfriend shouts her name out and she turns around. "Oh yeah. Gotta go."  "Bye."  She runs over there. "Friend?" Niall asks as we keep walking. "Yup. Her boyfriend cheated on her and I kind of fixed her heart up. "Oh."  Niall and I stay quiet. People look at us but mostly me with a strange look making me feel bad. I push Niall's arm away and he looks at me. He says something but I don't pay attention. I look down at my fat belly. "Zoey? I said what's wrong?" He repeats and I look up.

"What? Oh um just people."  "Hmm?"  "Niall people keep staring at me." He rolls his eyes. "Don't worry about them they're just jelouse because they don't have a fat belly like you." He whispers in my ear making me giggle. My phone rings but I don't know where it is. I look around for it but Niall puts my hands down. "I got it." Niall says and takes it out from my back pocket and hands it to me. "Hello." I ask not knowing who it is. "Hey baby." Harry says. "Who are you talking to the baby or me?" I joke and he sighs. "How's the baby?" He asks. "Fine. Kicking around but fine."  "I'm leaving early today so let Niall know to drop you off at home."  "Ok. Love you."  "Love you." He hangs up.

"Niall um Harry's leaving early today so he told me to tell you to drop me off."  "Ok." Niall says. We head over to his car and he opens the door for me. "Thank you Niall." I whisper and enter the car slowly. He closes the door and hops in and drives away. Soon the baby starts to kick hard. "Ow Niall!" I yell and grip his hand. "Do you want me to pull over?" He asks. "Yes. Please." I say. He pulls over and quickly opens the door for me. He holds out a hand and helps me up. He puts a hand on my back and I squeeze his other hand. "Ow Niall!" I yell. "I got you. I got you." He says. "Oh god Niall. Jesus!" I yell. "Here drink this." Niall says and hands me a bottle of water. I drink it and that calms the baby down a bit.

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