Chapter 8

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Harry opens the door to his car for me and I go in. He closes it and then he comes in and starts the car. "So where is our date gonna be?" I ask shyly.  "You'll soon find out." He says smiling at me. I smile back shyly and he turns around to face the road and drives away.


We arrive a while later and Harry enters the parking lot and parks. He gets out and walks around and opens the door for me. I thank him and step out. He closes the door and takes my hand. We both walk to the entrance and Harry opens the door for me. When I step in I stare at the place in amazement. "You like it?" He asks. "'s so beautiful in here." I say looking up at the ceiling then looking back at him. "I thought you might like it." He smiles. Suddenly dought runs through me. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Oh nothing. Isn't this kind of...expensive?"   "Yeah, but it's fine with me." The place is so big and it has beautiful paintings on the wall and the ceiling has angels and the sky painting on it. 

It has a golden chandelier with eight medium sized lightbulbs and the walls are all brown with some gold. The tiles on the floor are white and clean. All the women are wearing dresses or skirts and some men are wearing suits and some are just wearing casual clothes.

Harry's POV

She smiles and I smile back at her. "Are you sure it's fine with you?"She asks.  "Yeah. Of course."  She smiles and we walk to the front desk where a very handsome fine man is sitting, checking through some papers. He looks up at both of us and smiles. "Hello, may I help you?" He asks kindly looking at Zoey. "Um may we have a table for two please." She says taking the words right out of my mouth. "Sure. Follow me." He says and keeps his eyes on Zoey. Something about him gets me angry and jelouse. He walks off and we follow him. He directs us to a booth and Zoey and I sit down. 

"My name is Charlie. If you need anything just come to me and I'll help you out." He says looking at both of us this time and walks away. "I don't like him." I tell Zoey. "Why?" She giggles. "He's...he's....nevermind. Forget about it." I say. "Harry are you sure you can afford this?" Zoey asks. "Zoey don't worry about it. It's fine." I tell her. A waiter approaches us with two glasses of water. "Hi I'm James and I'll be your waiter tonight." He says and places the glasses on the table. "Are you ready to order or should I just get you drinks first?" He asks tilting his head to the side. 

"Um we're not ready to order yet, but I will have a cup of wine." I say. "And I will also get a wine." Zoey says.  James smiles and then leaves. Zoey and I look at each other and then laugh. "So what do you want to eat?" I ask her. "I don't know. I'm really not that hungry." She says. "It's ok. We can share something."  "Um maybe we can have a salad?"  "Sure why not?"  "So. What do you think Sophie's doing right now?" I ask smiling.  "Well, probably something mischevieous but I really don't care." She says playing with the straw on the glass. "Aren't your parents home?" I ask. 

"Nope. They're on a trip." She says. She's still looking down and playing with the straw. "Oh. Well your lucky. I'm still grounded."  She looks up confused. "How are you grounded if your here?"  "I really don't know. Um...I still have the privalege to go out somewhere though but only with my parents permission. Um I can still watch t.v. Oh and also I can't play my video games."  "You still play video games?" She giggles and her mouth drops open. "Yeah! I might be 19 but yes I still play video games!"  She laughs. "Harry I can't beleive you still play video games!"  "Shh!" I place my hand on her lips and she bites me. "Ow! You just bit me!" I yell. "Oh sorry. Did I hurt you?" She asks worried.

"No not really."  "Harry!"  James comes in with two empty cups and a wine bottle. He places them on the table. "Are you ready to order?" He asks.  "Yes um we'll have a salad. Just one. To share." I tell him." He smiles and nods, then walks away. I grab the bottle and open the top and pour some wine in Zoey's cup, then on my cup. She takes the cup and takes a sip, then settles it down and I do the same. "So Harry, I took you to my house. When are you gonna take me to yours?" She asks. "When my parants aren't home." I say making her giggle. 

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