Chapter 18

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Zoey's POV

I unpack Hillary's box and place the cozmetics and stuff on the floor. After everything is out of the box and onto the floor, I put everything where it belongs. I then turn to two glass bottles. I'm not sure where to put them but I think they belong in Hillary's room. I hope she's still not mad. I walk towards Hilarry's door and open it. "Hey Hillary do you want me to put this bottle in your-" I say but cut myself off as I can't beleive what I'm seeing. Do my eyes desieve me? I drop the two bottles letting them crash and break on the floor. Harry comes after me but I just run away. I swing the front door open and storm out. I fly away to my house and swing my front doors open. I go through the back doors into the back where my pool is. I sit at the edge of the pool and cry. 

Soon enough Harry comes in and runs to me. I dip my hand in the water and do circles in it as I cry. Harry's hand touches my shoulder and I curl my hands into fists, my pupils get small, and my fangs come out. "Look whatever you saw...i-it didn't really happen. J-just let me explain. Please."  He grips my shoulder and I stand up and slap him across the face. "Yeah sure! Go fucking explain! Shit why was I so stupid! Of course you would fucking kiss her! She liked you so you just went in and kissed her! Right! Why was I so fucking stupid!" I yell. I look up at the sky that slowly turns dark. "No! No! Please let me explain. Nothing really happened." Harry says and touches my cheek but I slap his hand away. 

"No! Don't fucking touch me you bastard! I fucking hate you! I hate you with all my life!"  "Don't say that. D-don't talk that way." Harry says. He seems pretty calm but worried to. "Yes I'm gonna fucking talk that way because it's all true! I should've never fucking trusted you!" Harry grabs my waist and I smack him across the face again. "Don't touch me!" He keeps holding me tight and he pulls me close to him. I push him off and punch him on his jaw. I punch again but this time he holds my hand and twist it making me cry out. I kick him in the stomach and he lets me go. I slap him across the face again and he holds both my wrists. 

"Stop it! Stop it now!" He yells. I knee him in the crotch and he lets me go and falls to the ground. I walk away inside the house and then to the sidewalk. I see Chloe, Charlie, and Dani coming my way. "Hey what are you doing here?" I say trying to sound happy. "What's wrong?" Chloe asks. "Ok what's going on!?" I hear Sophie in the back. I turn around and find Sophie with Harry. More tears come out of my eyes. "Babe please let me-" He starts but I cut him off. "Don't call me that! Don't call me shit ok!?

"Chill! Can you just please let me explain!"

"No there's no fucking need for an explanation!"

"Yes there is! You don't understand!"

"Oh I clearly understand! Just get the fuck away from me! I don't ever want to see you again!"

"Please just hear me out!"

"No! Just....just fuck off!"

"No not until you hear the full story! Please just please hear me out!"

He walks to me and grabs my hands.

"Go. Talk. Now. Before I change my mind."

"Ok so yeah we were just sitting there and talking and Hillary told you to help her unpack her last box."

"And then she saw know....sharing lips.....and she got sad so she ran away into her room."

"Then I told you to keep unpacking the box just to be nice."

"Then I went inside her room and talked to her and then....yeah we just kissed."

"And what exactly did you say?" I asked.

"That she should've told me in the first place."

"And what else?" I ask.

"That if she told me then all of this wouldn't be happening."

"And what did she say?" I say crossing my arms.

"That it would be pointless if she told me because I was already with you."

"So funny Harry but I'm not stupid! I saw the way you two kissed! I'm not fucking stupid!"I yell.

"No no! I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!"

"And you returned the kiss."

"No I didn't."

I punch Harry across the face making him bleed from his nose.

"Don't fucking lie to me Harry! I saw you with my Own.Fucking. Eyes." I say going in rythm with every hit I give him.

"Don't. Fucking. Lie to me!" I give him a final push making him fall to the ground infront of my friends.

I let all the tears fall down and Sophie holds me back before I hit Harry again and she pulls me into a hug. "Zoey stop it. You're gonna end up killing Harry. Now explain what happened." Sophie whispers.

I look back and see Chloe, Charlie, and Dani circling around Harry. "He kissed Hillary." I say loud enough so Chloe, Charlie,a nd Dani can hear. "Do you want us to deal with this?" Charlie asks.

"No I can deal with him myself." I say. "No Zoey. Let them-" Sophie says but I cut her off. "No! This is my fight and they can't fight it for me!" I say and pull away from Sophie. She gives me a slight nod and flies away back to the house.

I walk over to Harry and slap him. He raises a fist to fight back but then puts it down. "I can't." He whispers. "You can't what? Hit me? So you can kiss Hillary but not hit me?" I yell. "Can you just-" I cut Harry off.

"No I'm not gonna fucking let it go ok? Come on! Hit me! Get your fist and hit me! Come on!" I yell grabbing his hand. "Go on! Hit me!" I yell. "I'm not gonna hit you Zoey!" He yells. I slap his face. "Come on you asshole fight back you dick!" I punch him in the stomach and he looks up at me angrily.

He lifts a fist up and punches me across the face. He gets up and pushes me hard. I punch him but before I make contact with his face he holds my hand and turns me around putting my arm behind my back and he holds it in place. He puts his arm around my neck and holds me.

I cry out in pain. "Look I'm sorry! I didn't kiss her! She fucking kissed me and I didn't return tht kiss! Ok?! Please believe me!"Harry yells still holding me in place.

I still cry out in pain. "Liar!" I yell and turn around and kick him in the stomach making him fall back. I let the tears fall quickly one after the other. I look at Harry and his face full of blood on the floor. "Zoey go home. We'll- we'll deal with this." Chloe says.

I sigh and then speak. "Finish him." I say and turn around and fly away letting one last tear fall, but I wipe it off.

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