Chapter 45

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Niall inhales and then exhales. "I'll think of something." Niall says and runs a hand through his hair. Sophie comes back and sits back in her seat. Soon some people come in and set giant plates of food on our table. When did we order? Or did Harry already pay for all this? I smell the food and soon the babies start kicking. I gasp and Harry looks at me with a worried look on his face. "You ok?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah just...kicking." I say. He places his hand on my belly as I eat. Soon Harry walks over to my dad and whispers something to him. My dad nods and gets up and walks towards the microphone bu the big t.v. screen. He taps on the microphone to make sure it works. "May I have everyone's attention please." He says and everything gets quiet and all the attention turns to him.

"The movie will start in about 10 to 15 minutes but right now something very special will happen today. Right now at this very moment." He says. Oh daddy. I blush. Soon a small piece of ice cream cake is set on the table with a little candle but it lights up alot. But what's going on? "Zoey baby. I love you." Dad says through the microphone and a spot light shines on me. I turn to Harry and he's down on one knee with a little box. I gasp and stand up by the surprise. No. He's he? "Zoey. I have loved you from the moment I met you. You are the most beautiful woman alive." Harry starts making tears fall out of my eyes and I put my hand over my mouth.. "Zoey you are the most incredible woman to walk the land and I want to be with you. Forever." I cry and giggle at the same time. "Will you marry me?" Harry finishes and I don't hesitate. "Yes. Yes I will. I will marry you." I say. "Awww." Everyone in this room says in unison. Harry gets up puts the ring on my finger and I slam my lips onto his.

Everyone claps and cheers. "I love you Harry."  "And I love you Zoey." Harry and I sit down and I dig into my cake. I turn to Niall and he smiles at me. "So this was the big surprise." I tell him. "Yup." He says. I turn to Sophie and she smirks making my smile fade away. I look down and Niall places his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Well now that I know what the big surprise was, Sophie's gonna ruin it." I say. "How do you know?"  "She said so in the bathroom after slapping me."  Niall's eyes turn from happiness to fright. Niall turns away and I turn to Harry. I smile big. He takes my hand and I squeeze it, but not from worry, from love. I kiss the back of his hand and he kisses the back of mine.

Soon the lights dim and the movie starts. "What movie is this?" I ask Harry with a mouth full of cake. "P.S. I love you." He says. "Well duh I love you to but what's the name of the movie?"  Harry laughs. "No that's the name of the movie." He says. "Oh. Ok." I say and he chuckles. I take a spoonful of cake and feed Harry. He kisses my cheek making me blush. I look at Sophie and she smirks very evilishly. Her eyes are dilated and her grin is from ear to ear. Oh god. I'm so dead. She takes Niall's hand and I turn away to look at the movie. Harry places a hand on my stomach and I take his hand.

When the movie finishes we all hang out a while. Supposedly another movie is going to come but we're probably not goin to stick around to watch it. They take our plates away and I hear a piano play. Wow. Nice tune. "Are we all ready to go?" Niall's mom asks and everyone agrees. We get up and as I get up I stumble on Sophie's leg. Everyone races to me and helps me out before I fall. "Careful." Niall whispers and I regain my balance. This was all your girlfriends fault Niall. We exit with a couple of other people. "Hey Harry can I talk to you for a moment?" Sophie says and Harry says yes. Shoot.

Everyone says their goodbyes and I do to especially to my father. "Niall!" I yell and call him over. He quickly comes to me.

"Harry and Sophie are talking! Go do something!" I yell. "Seems like it's to late." Niall says and I turn around. They're still talking but then Harry and Sophie come over. Harry still seems happy. Phew. "Sophie's coming with us." Harry says with a smile and Niall and I gulp. Niall and I look at each other and widen our eyes. "Ok then." Niall says. "She's going in her car though." Harry says and I sigh a sigh of relief. Well I shouldn't be so relieved. Sophie walks over to her car, or Niall's car I should say, and Niall and Harry and I get into Harry's.

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