Chapter 9

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"Well you look a hot mess." Sophie says. "Gee. Thanks." I say with sarcasm. She laughs and rolls her eyes but then gasps. "Uh...Zoey? What in hell do you have on your neck?!" She yells. I close my eyes and sigh. "How big is it?" I ask worried. "Like...huge!  Zoey what the hell!" She yells and gets off the couch and runs to me. She tilts my head to the side to get a better look at it. "Hey! Don't touch it!" I yell making her fingers untouch my skin. "Did Harry do this?" Sophie asks. "Yes." I say not wanting to. "Zoey! You should of stopped him!"  "I couldn't! He held me tight against his car!"  "Zoey have you forgotten what you are!"  "No! I haven't! How can I forget! I just, didn't want to..."  "You didn't want to push him off. That's why."  "No! No! I..."  "Zoey you were love drunk! Now he's left you all scarred!"  "I was not love drunk! So what if he's left me scarred! It'll go away. Eventually."  "Yeah in like about a week!"  

"I'm gonna go wash up ok!"  "Yeah. Whatever."  I go upstairs and enter the bathroom and take off my clothes. I jump in the shower and quickly bathe. I wash everywhere including my hair twice. When I finish I wrap a towel around me and walk to my bedroom. I quickly dress into my dress and head back into the bathroom and take my clothes with me and set it down on the bed. I take Fip out of his cage and  hold him on my shoulder. I walk downstairs where Sophie is watching t.v. "Hey wanna watch a movie?" I ask letting Fip go outside. "Yeah sure. A comedy though." She says.  "Maybe we shouldn't. It's too late at night. We're probably gonna crash in the middle of the movie anyway." I say. She shrugs and nods. I lay down next to her and as quick as possible I fall asleep.

Harry's POV

I search the car before getting out and find Zoey's purse. I'll just give it to her tommorow. I walk inside the quiet house and enter my room and take off my clothes and climb in bed setting Zoey's purse on my nightstand.

The next morning I wake up, stretch and yawn. I sit up at the edge of the bed and the first thing I see is Zoey's purse. I grab my phone and check the time. It's 10:34 in the morning and I make my way down into the livingroom. I grab an apple from the fridge and orange juice. I sit on the couch and turn on the t.v. and eat my apple and drink my juice to make time go faster.

Zoey's POV

"Hey wake up!" Sophie yells shoving me on the shoulder. I rub my eyes and open them and find myself on the couch. "Can we watch the movie now!" Sophie yells. "Sure." I groan. I sit up and find myself dizzy. I start to walk towards her but hit my forehead against the wall. "Ow." I groan making Sophie laugh. "Oh shut up!" I tell her. I grab the remote and put the movie on. I lay down on the couch with Sophie while the movie starts. The movie at the beginning is ok but it slowly starts to get better and better. "Get ready to be badass motherfuckers." One of the characters says. We laugh at the quote and at everything else that happens. 

About an hour passes by and my stomach starts to growl but I ignore it. We laugh so hard at the movie. It's so hilariouse. I then get up to check and see if Fip is in his cage or somewhere in the room. I walk the opposite way and then turn around going the right way and I trip over the couch doing a backflip and landing on my back. I let out a groan of pain and Sophie laughs. "Stop laughing and help me up!" I say. Sophie reaches a hand out and helps me up. "Zoey what's wrong with you today?" She asks. "I don't know. Is it possible for me to loose my eyesight?" I ask curiousely. "No of course not. Why would you ask that."  "Because I didn't see the wall and I didn't see the couch and I woke up a but dizzy."  "I don't know. It'll probabaly go away."  "Yeah. Maybe." I finish going upstairs into my room. 

I open the door and find Fip inside his cage. I open it and he flies out the window. My stomach groans again. I haven't eaten in like....days. I go back downstairs and make my way back to the couch but I trip over one of Mikey J's toys. Sophie turns my way and laughs. I roll my eyes and keep walking. "Hey I'm gonna shower."I tell Sophie. "Ok. I'm gonna play video games with Mikey J."She says. "Aren't you gonna finish watching the movie?"  "No I don't want to watch it without you." Ok. I'll be quick." Sophie clicks pause and we both go upstairs and Sophie goes into Mikey J's room and I enter the bathroom. I take a quick shower and wrap a towel around me and exit the bathroom taking my dress with me. 

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