Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"Do they always act like this?" I ask watching Zoey and her brother fight harshly. I have never seen a girl fight like this before. Not that she was an ordinary girl. "Yes actually they do." Zoe's dad says. I can't believe I'm actually having dinner with the famouse Count Dracula. This is so amazing. "Well don't you stop them?" I ask. "No. They turn out fine at the end. They just get tired and stop fighting and that's it." Count says. I keep looking at them fight and then they finish fighting and get up on their chairs as if nothing happened. They keep eating and they seem to have not even one little cut or scratch. That reminds me of the first time we met. I cut her hand with my key.

"So Harry you were the one that cut her hand with the key?" Zoey's mum asks interrrupting my thoughts. "Yes...but how did you know?" I ask. "This was very rude of me but I had to know what you were thinking about. I kind of read your mind." She says. "Oh." I say. "I'm sorry about your friends." She says. "What?"  "Zoey killed your friends."  "Oh right. It's alright I guess."  "I truly am sorry."  "No it's fine."  "Harry what did you think of Zoey when you first saw her?" Count asks and Zoey chokes on her food again. "Well, she was about to kill me and she was all bloody and angry, but I don't know. I really wasn't afraid of her for some reason." I say remembering what I said in our fight. "Zoey he's a keeper." Zoey's mum says while licking her lips.

After dinner everyone gets up and snaps their fingers and their plates float away but mine. Zoey looks at my plates and snaps her fingers twice and they float away. "Thanks." I whisper and she shakes her head slightly. "Well I loved dinner but I gotta go." I say. "Aw your leaving now?" Zoey asks. "Yeah I gotta talk to my parents about me moving." I say. "Thank you very much for dinner. It was really wonderful." I say and kiss Zoey on her forehead. "Bye." I say with a smile and walk to my car. I drive off to my house and then enter finding my parents on the kitchen table fiddling through some papers. "Hey mum hey dad." I tell them "Harry come here." Mum says.

I walk over there closing the door and sit by them. "What's up?" I ask. "So Harry we were talking about your moving."Mum says. "Yeah?" I say. "Well we have the money and everything and we decided to let you go." My dad says smiling. "Oh man really! Oh my god thanks!"  "No problem."  "So when do you want to leave? Do you still want to leave two months from now?"  "No let's put it to just one month from now. In November."  "Ok. That's fine with me what about you Anne?" Dad asks mum. "Yeah it's fine with me."She says and I get up from the table. "Yes!" I scream throwing my hands up in the air.

"Don't get your hopes up Harry. You still have to pack and you have to visit the house before you move." Mum says. I nod and run into my room and jump on my bed. I turn on the t.v. and my happiness takes over me and I quickly fall asleep. I'll start packing tommorow. The next morning I wake up super happy. I couldn't wait to tell Zoey. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower. When I finish I wrap a towel around my waist and walk into my room. I dress and then place the towel back in the bathroom. I take out a condom from the drawer and put it in my pocket. I walk into the livingroom where I find my parents with some papers. "I'm going over to Zoey's house." I tell them. "Zoey?" Mum asks confused.

"My girlfriend." I say. "Oh." Mum says and looks down at her papers again. I exit the house and go into my car and drive to Zoey's. I knock on the door and Zoey's mum opens the door. "Hi is Zoey home?" I ask. "Yeah she's just sleeping." She whispers. I walk in and it's pretty quiet. "She's upstairs." She says and I walk upstairs into Zoey's room. The light is off but the daylight fills the room. She looks so peaceful. I kneel down on my knees next  to her and kiss her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles at me. "Hey beautiful." I tell her. "Hey." She whispers. "I have good news."  "Really what?"She smiles. "I'm finally moving." She smiles bigger. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you." Her hand touches my cheek and I kiss her forehead.

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