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Damian POV

I strolled through the corridors backstage and could hardly wait to finally be able to talk to Y/N alone. The thing that happened between us last week just wouldn't let me go. All I saw when I closed my eyes was her face. At first I thought it was just a casual encounter. Just the one time to get her out of my system. But that hadn't worked at all. Actually, quite the opposite.

When I went back to talk to her after a few minutes, she was no longer alone. And no matter how long I waited, I just didn't catch her alone. As a result, I had to wait an agonizing week to see her again because I was an idiot and didn't ask her for her number.

When I finally arrived at the hairdressers' room, my heart was beating faster in my chest. My eyes fell on a woman bent over forward rummaging through a box of hair stuff. At this sight, I could not help but lick my lips, because I was sure that this could only be Y/N.

I quietly stood behind her and was about to wrap a hand around her waist so that I could pull her against me. But then she suddenly straightened up. But judging by the color of her hair, it wasn't Y/N. I stumbled back a few steps and knocked over a small cart. Loudly, the hair products on it fell to the ground. The woman turned to me with her eyes wide in shock.

"Good grief, Damian! Are you trying to kill me?" asked Heather, Y/N colleague.

It was certainly a good thing that I had not simply given her a slap on the butt. That would probably not have gone down very well.

"Oh... hey, Heather. I'm so sorry, but... I slipped. Is Y/N not here yet?" I quickly replied.

"No. She won't be in for the next few weeks. I guess there were some issues at her hair salon and she has to go back to taking care of things there full time for now." she explained to me.

"She has her own business?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Didn't you know that? She only works here on days we film for NXT or on TakeOver weekends. She always says it gives her a nice change of pace. Well, anyway... You'll just have to make do with me for now," she replied as we picked up the stuff together.

"Oh, um... wow. No, I didn't know that. It's not important, either. I just wanted to say hello. That's all." said I as we finished.

"Okay. If you'll excuse me then, Damian. I'm waiting for the replacement for Y/N. I have to show her around and then we'll be busy doing the girls' hair. God, I hope Y/N is back soon." she babbled.

"Say... would it be possible for you to give me her number?" I then asked.

"I'm sorry Damian, but I don't do that. I don't give out numbers without consent. You'll have to wait until she gets back." replied Heather.

Damn. That would have been too easy. But I could understand her too. I wouldn't give out friends' numbers without their consent either. You never know what kind of nonsense people do.

"It's okay. I guess I'll have to wait until she comes back. Sorry again for the mess." I said sighing and then went back to the locker room.

There had to be a way to get in touch with her. But unfortunately, I didn't have the slightest idea how. Because I didn't even know her last name. I sat down on one of the benches and propped my elbows on my knees. Again I cursed myself for what an incredible idiot I was. I had no idea how long she would be gone and it was already driving me crazy.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang