27 The day has come

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I hummed happily to myself as I just put the finishing touches on my makeup. Today was finally the big day and I was very glad that the dress I had bought for it fit me. It was good that the baby didn't feel like growing so much that it wouldn't fit anymore. Next week that could be quite different. 

In the meantime, I already had half of the pregnancy behind me. I could not believe how quickly the time passed. Probably it was because Mateo and our work kept us on our toes and we hardly had time to breathe.

"Okay Mr. Mateo, let's get you dressed. You're going to look great in that little suit. You and your Papi would win any best looking father/son contest for sure. You don't have to laugh, sweetheart. You inherited your father's good looks and a whole lot more." I babbled as I dressed Mateo, trying to distract myself from my excitement.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I picked Mateo up and went to the door to see who it was. Immediately an affectionate smile spread on my lips, because it was my future husband. And damn, did he look sexy.

"Wow, Mami! Look at you! You're glowing. You are so beautiful. My princesa. Or reina. I'm a freaking lucky guy." Damian said when he saw me and put a hand over his heart for emphasis.

"Thanks, D! But you look so handsome too! If anyone is lucky, it's me!" I replied as I felt the blush rise to my face.

"I love you." he whispered as he leaned in to give me a kiss.

"I love you too." I replied softly.

"Shall we get started? They are already waiting for us." he asked after a few minutes of us just looking at each other.

"Yes! Let's go!" I said as he took our son from my arms.

"Come on my handsome boy. Let's marry Mami." Damian replied and then took me by the hand.

Together we made our way out of the hotel and down to the beach where our families were already waiting for us. We agreed on a small ceremony in the closest family circle. And while we were thinking about the best place for it, the answer was quickly found. The beach in Puerto Rico where Damian asked me to marry him.

We would then have a big celebration with all family members and friends in the summer. After Vegas was born.

Although we had decided on a simple ceremony with the traditional words of a justice of the peace, we still wanted to express our feelings with vows.

"My beloved Y/N. I am not sure I can even put into words how blessed I am. One look at you and I see the future. You have given me a life I no longer thought was meant for me. In a short time you have become my home and my sanctuary.

You are a strong, loving and beautiful woman and mother. Y/N, you know exactly what you want and I am glad that I am what you want in life. I can't wait to see what else the future has planned for us. But one thing is for sure, no matter what it is, it will be great as long as I have you and our kids by my side.

Your support means the world to me. Your love makes me feel that I can do anything. No matter how far away the goal may seem. I know that all my dreams can come true, because you are the best proof of that. You are my dream. I am honored to call myself your husband from today. I love you. I love our children. And I love our life together more than you can imagine and I promise to always stand faithfully by your side. In the good moments and in the difficult ones. You can count on me, my reina," Damian said, tears in his eyes.

All the time he held Mateo in his arms and the little man listened attentively to what his Papi was saying. When Damian was finished, Mateo laid his little head on his shoulder and put his little hand on his father's neck. Damian gave Mateo a kiss on the head. And I struggled to pull myself together and not let myself be overwhelmed by feelings and hormones.

"Damian, getting to love you is a dream come true. Although we went a different way than most, it is the best thing that could have happened to me. Sometimes I still can't believe that this is my life. You and Mateo and Mica, my own little family. You are my love and my life. Thank you, for your determination and courage. Thank you for the love you give us every day. Just one smile from you is enough to brighten my mood.

I will choose you forever. I will be yours forever. My heart belongs to you, Damian. No matter what may come, I know we are strong enough to overcome any storm. You make me a better version of myself. You complete me. And it will always be that way. From this day to all eternity.

I love you, more and more every day. I am glad that fate brought us together and blessed us with our love and our children. I cannot imagine a better father for Mateo and Mica. I can't imagine a better person to share my life with," I said in a voice I could hardly control.

Now we both had tears running down our faces, but we didn't care. At that moment, we were only made out of the love that united us. Everything else faded away. I saw only the two men before me whom I loved more than life itself.

Damian leaned in and kissed me for the first time as my husband while holding our son in one arm. His other hand rested together with mine on my baby bump where we could feel our baby's kicks.

This was how it was supposed to be. It was perfect. And I wouldn't want to change anything in my life.

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