17 Blood

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Damian POV

Quietly, I opened the door to our now shared home and carefully put the box I had with me to the side. Then I went in search of Y/N. I assumed to find her in the bedroom. Since Mateo had not slept all night, I assumed that the two were now asleep.

But when I came into the bedroom no one was there. I closed the door behind me and walked further through the house until I finally heard the sound of the kettle in the kitchen.

There Y/N stood, cradling the seemingly still wide awake little man in her arms. This sight made me so happy. I had a hard time putting it into words, but I felt so blessed by everything these two gave me.

"Hey Princesa! Is he still not asleep?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and kissed the side of her head.

"Hey... no, he hates sleep. I've tried everything and have no idea why he won't sleep." she replied exhausted as she made herself some tea with the boiling water.

"Give him to me. Maybe I'll get him to sleep. Go lie down. You need sleep. I'm here." I said softly as I gently took Mateo from her arms.

"That's a good idea, but first I should go take a shower. I feel gross." she said after giving me a quick peck.

"Is the pain and bleeding still not better? You're really pale. Maybe we should go to the hospital." I said worriedly.

"I already called the doctor and he said there was nothing to worry about. It was all within normal limits. I'm just supposed to watch for blood clots. If I pass a clot bigger than a golf ball, then I should come in." she explained to me and then gave Mateo a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright. Go take a shower, Y/N. I'll take care of the baby," I said to her.

"Thanks D. He's full and dry. I hope you can get him to sleep. That can't be good for him either." replied Y/N as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Why won't you sleep, huh? You're only a week old, son. That's not old enough to party the nights away." I said to Mateo who gave me a sweet toothless smile.

Together with the little man I lay down on the couch. I placed him on my chest and softly hummed a melody while I gently stroked his back. And I was indeed lucky. His eyes grew heavy and soon stayed closed as he finally fell asleep.

"Damian?" I heard Y/N call after a while.

Her voice sounded weak and shaky. I didn't like the sound of her voice at all. I knew instinctively that something was wrong. Careful not to disturb Mateo, I stood up and looked for Y/N. Since she was still not in the bedroom, I went into the bathroom.

At the sight that awaited me there, my blood almost froze in my veins. Y/N was standing in the shower, wrapped only in a white towel. But the shocking part was the big red blood stains already soaking into the towel and the blood running down her legs.

"We have to go to the hospital after all. Please, uh... please get his bag, pack... pack baby formula and put him in his carrier. I'll... I'll get dressed." she said as she turned the water back on to wash off the blood.

"But..." I started.

"No buts, Damian. Hurry up." she cut me off.

I could only nod. Then I went into the nursery and put Mateo in his carrier. I then grabbed the diaper bag and stuffed diapers and clothes to change into it. With Mateo in his seat and the bag in my hand, I hurried to the kitchen and packed a bottle and a package of baby formula.

I didn't know where my head was. She said that bleeding postpartum was normal, but both of us knew that it was too much blood at once.

"Do you have everything?" asked Y/N suddenly behind me.

I turned around and looked into her face. She was pale as a ghost and shaking all over. She had to brace herself against the door.

"Yes. Come on. Let's hurry." I said, walking over to her and putting an arm around her waist for support.

While Y/N sat in the car, I strapped the baby in and then got behind the wheel. Immediately memories of the day of Mateo's birth came up. But on that day, I was joyfully excited. Now, however, I was scared to death.

"I feel like shit. I can feel myself bleeding. Everything is spinning. This... is not... good. Listen, Damian... you stay with Mateo, okay? He needs his Papi, no matter what. You guys can do this. And I love you. I'm gonna... I'm gonna pass out for sure.... Take care of my baby." she murmured in a weakening voice.

"Everything will be all right, Princesa. Hang in there. We'll be right there. Don't you dare leave me alone with Mateo. Do you hear me? He needs you. We need you," I replied stubbornly.

But she probably didn't hear that anymore. Y/N's whole body slumped and her head fell on her chest. Oh God, why was this happening? Why did this have to happen to us? Please God, don't take her away from us, I pleaded silently. 

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