24 Another dream

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When I woke up the next morning I couldn't help but smile. I still couldn't believe what had happened yesterday. That Damian had really asked me to be his wife. Part of me felt like I was still dreaming. 

Slowly I turned to the other side and was rewarded with the most beautiful sight I could imagine. My handsome fiancé slumbered soundly next to me while our little man lay on his chest and slept as well. Mateo had probably woken up early and Damian had gotten him into bed with us before he could start fussing.

My fiancé. God, I loved that word already. But it was clear to me that I would love another word even more. And that word was husband. I would have a husband. I would be a wife. What a beautiful thought.

Slowly I slid closer to both of my men to be able to give Damian a little kiss. Although he was fast asleep, a smile appeared almost immediately on his full lips.

"Good morning, Mr. Priest," I whispered in his ear.

His eyes began to flutter and it didn't take long for his warm, brown eyes to find mine.

"Good morning, Mami. How is my future wife?" he asked as he cautiously moved his head in my direction.

"I'm so happy. But also a little nervous to meet your family." I replied and then rested my head against his strong shoulder. 

"They will love you. Just like I love you, princesa. And they'll love the little guy too." said Damian as he pressed a kiss to my head and placed his hand on Mateo's back.

"I hope you're right. I feel sick to my stomach and I'm still not hungry. I hope that will subside after I meet everyone," I explained to him.

"Are you sure that's what it is? Maybe we should go to the doctor. It's been going on for days, you have no appetite, you're tired and worn out." he replied with concern in his voice.

"We're only here for today. If it doesn't get better when we get back home, I'll go to the doctor. Maybe I have a nutrient imbalance or something," I said just as Mateo began to wake up.

"Good morning, my little baby boy." I said happily to him as he looked at me sleepily.

"We should get ready. The family doesn't like to wait. What should I order us for breakfast?" Damian wanted to know.

"Hmm.... Oatmeal and banana for Mateo and just toast for me." I replied after a moment's thought.


It was not long before we arrived at the place where we had arranged to meet Damian's family. They all greeted us enthusiastically and I was hugged and kissed by all of them. Everyone congratulated us on our engagement and welcomed me into the family. Apparently, my nervousness had really been all for nothing. They seemed to like me. But I was not sure, because I did not understand a word they said. I understood a few words of Spanish, but they all spoke so fast that it was impossible for me to understand anything.

Damian was an absolute angel and translated everything for me. And Mateo loved the attention of his family very much. Without grumbling, he let everyone take him in their arms. But he seemed to feel especially comfortable on his grandfather's arm.

I only felt a little uncomfortable when I noticed one of Damian's aunts watching me. Her gaze followed my every move. What was wrong with her? Didn't she like me?

I was about to ask Damian about it when his aunt came over to us, took my hands firmly in hers and looked at me inquiringly. Then she pressed a kiss on my forehead.

I looked at Damian in astonishment and confusion and he looked at me just as confused.

"Can you please ask her what's wrong?" I said turning to him.

He nodded and asked his aunt something in Spanish. But of course, again, I didn't understand a word.

When she answered him, Damian's eyes got all big and he looked at me like I had suddenly grown another head.

"Damian? What's wrong?" I asked, because I was starting to get worried.

"Um... well... She said you were expecting a child." he stammered as if he was at a loss for words.

"What, but... I'm not pregnant!" I replied, surprised.

"I don't know. She said she had a feeling. Please don't get upset." said Damian, putting his arms around me reassuringly.

But I wasn't upset. I was more confused. Let's say I really was pregnant again, which I wasn't, but how the heck would his aunt get that idea.

For the rest of the family gathering, I couldn't get this thought out of my head. Was she right? Oh my God! What if she was right? Mateo was just 7 1/2 months old! How could I have 2 children under 2 years old?

Damian could tell I was starting to panic and took me and Mateo back to the hotel.

"I'll be right back, Y/N. Deep breaths, okay?" Damian said to me, taking my face in his hands and pressing a kiss on my forehead and then on my lips.

While waiting for Damian's return, I freshened Mateo up and put him down for his nap. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. He had had an exciting day. So had I.

"I'm back. Here!" I heard Damian say from the doorway and then he held something out to me.

It was a pregnancy test. I looked at it and realized there was no better time to figure out what was going on.

"It's in Spanish. You have to tell me how long we have to wait, D." I said as I came back out of the bathroom with shaking hands.

"Three minutes. Take it easy. No need to panic, Y/N." he said, pulling me into his arms.

"What do we do if it's positive?" I whispered against his chest.

"Well, then we'll have another baby." he said softly and in a firm voice as he stroked my back.

"Why are you so calm?" I asked.

"Because I already thought of something like that and I'm very happy," he replied.

"But it's so soon and Mateo is still so little," I said softly.

"Everything will be fine, Mami. I can feel it. We're going to make it work. You'll make all my dreams come true." he said.

"Time's up. What did it say?" I asked as Damian quickly turned off the timer on his phone.

"Embarazada!" he said.

"What? English, please!" I replied.

"Pregnant! We're having another baby!" he said and I saw his eyes sparkling with tears.

When I saw how happy he was about it, I was too. It scared me to death, but I knew that, with Damian, the man who held me so full of joy in his arms, I could do it all.

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