8 First look

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"Okay Miss L/N, I think we have talked about everything. Now please lie down on the examination table and we can do an ultrasound," my gynecologist said and I did what he told me.

I was very excited to be able to take a first look at the baby today. But my anticipation was quickly mixed with disappointment.

"Didn't the baby's father want to be present at the first ultrasound?" the doctor asked as he adjusted the machine.

"He was supposed to, but apparently something came up," I replied bummed out.

"I'll print you some extra pictures when we're done. Then you can show them to him." he said.

I sighed deeply and tried to relax as he spread the cold gel on my lower abdomen. Then he began to run the probe over the area to see if he could get a good look at the baby. 

But then suddenly we heard the door to the exam room open and one of the nurses come in.

"I'm sorry to bother. Miss L/N? There's a gentleman here who said you were expecting him?" the nurse said, and then Damian appeared behind her.

"Did I miss it? I'm so sorry. I got held up by fans and had to deal with them first." he said immediately all flustered.

"We just got started. You didn't miss anything." I explained with relief as he greeted the doctor and then sat down next to me.

"Now that we're all here, let's go check on your baby!" the doctor said, then picked up where he left off.

"This is so exciting." Damian whispered while looking intently at the monitor.

"I know." I whispered back as he took my hand in his.

"Okay and here it is." the doctor then said pointing to the monitor.

"Oh my god!" l whispered.

"It's so tiny." breathed Damian, looking mesmerized at our baby.

I could hardly believe that this was my baby. You could already see the head and the spine and even tiny little fingers. It was so incredibly beautiful and I was so relieved that Damian was there and didn't miss it.

"Everything looks quite wonderful. According to the date of conception and your last period, this puts you in the 12th week of pregnancy, Y/N." he explained to the doctor and out of the corner of my eye I saw Damian frowning.

"Twelve weeks? How is that possible?" he asked, confused.

I was about to say something, but the doctor beat me to it.

"Well, conception was only 10 weeks ago, but we start counting weeks of pregnancy on the first day of the last period. So when the date is known. This method has proven to work quite well. But I can understand that it can be a little confusing." he explained calmly.

I looked at Damian and waited for his reaction. He exhaled with relief. It seemed to me that in the short week since he knew, he had not only gotten used to the idea. No, he was obviously happy about it by now.

"When can you tell us if it's a boy or a girl?" asked Damian.

"I could actually say something now, but it would only be 60% accurate. It is better if we wait with it. I don't want to tell you today if it's one or the other, just in case it's not," the doctor replied.

"Too bad. I wanted to know if you were right." he said to me.

"It won't be long now. Time will pass faster than you think," I replied with a smile.

"Yes, you're probably right," he then said.

"Do you want to hear the heartbeat?" the doctor asked, drawing our attention again.

"Of course!" I replied, and Damian nodded.

"This is it! Really strong and regular. Everything is just the way we like it." he said doctor and then was quiet so we could listen to the heartbeat.

I smiled with delight as tears of joy gathered in the corners of my eyes. This moment was very special. Simply magical.

"I will now print out the pictures for you. I'll also write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I'll be right back," the doctor said and then left the room so I could clean up and get dressed again.

It wasn't long before the doctor returned and we were able to leave. Together Damian and I walked out of the building and made our way to our cars.

"Thank you, Y/N, for letting me be here. That was... that was really special." said Damian as we arrived at my car.

"Of course. You have the right to be there. And you're right, it was really special." I replied.

"I have to go to workout now. Is it still okay for me to come over tomorrow?" he then asked.

"Oh yeah, sure," I replied immediately.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow then. Take good care of yourself and the baby, okay?" he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I promise. See you tomorrow Damian." I spoke as I got in my car.

Even though we had a baby on the way, we had to get to know each other properly first. Because actually we knew nothing about each other. But I think as long as we got along well, it would work out. The most important thing was that for the sake of our baby, we were a team. What else would happen to us, was not yet predictable at this point.

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