30 My family

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Slowly I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Damian lying next to me, cradling our newborn daughter in his arms. A smile was playing around his full lips the whole time. He looked so damn proud and in love. I was so blessed to have a man like him in my life. A man who loved his family more than anything.

"You really do look like your Mami. With your cute little nose and big eyes, but you seem to have the same hair color as your big brother and I. God, I am so happy you are with us baby girl. We love you so much. And you already make us very happy, Mica!" I heard Damian whisper softly to the baby, because he hadn't noticed that I was awake yet.

Carefully I slid a little closer to him and kissed his shoulder before leaning my head against it.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked softly as my hand gently stroked my baby's head.

"Oh just a few minutes. How are you feeling?" he wanted to know and then kissed my forehead.

"Sore and tired, but I'm glad everything worked out so well." I replied with a sigh.

"Me too. I'm going to go home now and pick up Mateo. I can't wait to introduce him to his sister." he said happily.

"I feel the same way. And maybe we'll be released this afternoon and we can all go home together. That would be really nice." I replied as Mica started to get a little restless. She was probably hungry.

"Okay, I guess while you feed little Miss Mica, I'll be on my way. I'll be back soon. I love you." said Damian as he placed the little bundle in my arms before giving me a loving kiss.

He then kissed Mica's little head before heading off to pick up our son.

"It seems like you already have your Papi wrapped around your little finger. I can't wait to hear what Mateo says. I hope he's not jealous. He has no reason to be. I love both my babies." I cooed as I began to nurse the baby.


I was just about to fall asleep with Mica on my chest when the door to our room opened quietly and my husband came in with our little man.

"Mami!" cheered Mateo immediately and began excitedly wriggling in Damian's arms.

"Hey my little monkey. Do you want to meet your sister?" I asked.

"Yes!" he said breathlessly as Damian carefully placed him next to me in the family bed.

Mateo immediately knelt down beside me and took a good look at the new little human. He looked completely captivated.

"Ohhhh Bebé..." he whispered and I smiled.

I looked at Damian and he couldn't help but smile as he sat down next to us.

"Mateo, this is Mica," I said softly and saw that the young lady was just opening her eyes.

Very slowly and carefully Mateo reached out his little hand to touch her, but then hesitated and looked at me questioningly.

"It's okay, Mateo. You can touch her. Gently," I encouraged our son.

Grinning, he put a hand on her cheek, but almost immediately pulled it back in fright when Mica made a noise. He looked up at me and then turned to Damian as if afraid he had broken something.

"It's all right, monkey. Look, she's awake. Do you want Mami to help you hold your sister?" I asked him.

For a few seconds he looked at me with his big brown eyes and then nodded slightly.

"Baby, can you sit him next to me? With his back tucked into the pillows?" I said to Damian.

"Sure. Come here, little man." he said immediately.

When he was in the right position, I very carefully placed the baby in Mateo's arms. His gaze did not let go of Mica for a second. I don't think he could believe how small she was. For a few minutes he sat there with his sister in his arms while I held her too. But the whole time he didn't say a word.

I looked at Damian and he also looked a little worried. We were both a little worried that maybe it was all a little too much for Mateo.

"Can Papi hold the baby too, monkey?" asked Damian then.

Mateo raised his eyes as Damian held out his hands to Mica.

"No! My bebé!" complained Mateo to our surprise.

We both started laughing and our tension vanished into thin air. Apparently, our little girl really had her brother wrapped around her finger right away. Love at first sight. Just like with us.

When Mateo gave the baby a kiss on the head, we were completely blown away. That was for sure the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

"God, I love you all so much," I whispered, touched, as tears of joy welled up in my eyes.

Damian stood up, walked around the big bed, and then lay down behind me. Carefully, he slid one arm under me and pulled me so close to him.

"We love you too, Mami. So much. Thank you. Thank you for letting me find you." He whispered in my ear.

I turned my head and pressed my lips against his. I could feel the smile on his lips. He then rested his forehead against mine and sighed contentedly. I knew how he felt. Because I felt the same way.

I was in love with this life. I was in love with my husband and with my children. I was in love with the special connection we had. We weren't expecting it back then, but as it turned out, it was the best thing that could have happened to Damian and me.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]Where stories live. Discover now