16 Without a doubt

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Contentedly, I watched as Damian followed the nurse and paid close attention to what she was doing with our son. With experienced motions she weighed and measured the little man. Then the pediatrician came in and quickly examined Mateo. Everything was fine with him. Although I had not expected otherwise, I was relieved to know that he was as perfect as he looked.

The nurse then washed and dressed him. The little guy didn't like that at all and made his displeasure loudly known. Only when she placed Mateo in Damian's waiting arms did he calm down.

Damian sat down next to me on the bed while he didn't take his eyes off the baby in his arms for a second. A proud smile played around his full lips. I could tell he was very proud to finally hold his son in his arms. 

Our lives had changed. We had created a new life and this life was now more important to us than anything else. Mateo would connect us forever, no matter what fate had in store for us. But one thing was crystal clear to me, Mateo had a father he could rely on 100%.

I knew that Damian was afraid of not being a good father and that he was worried about letting Mateo down. But for me there was no doubt that he would be a great, dedicated dad. Whatever our son needed, Damian would give it to him.

"I can't believe how tiny he is. You did so great!" whispered Damian, his eyes still glued to Mateo.

"He certainly didn't feel tiny when he came out. I'm just glad to be done with it," I said, exhausted.

"I know. I'm sorry you were in pain. But look at him. Wasn't it worth it?" he wanted to know as he placed the now sleeping bundle in my arms.

I looked at the little face. He was so adorable. And I couldn't believe that he had been in my belly until half an hour ago. Now I was a mother. And I couldn't have been prouder. My heart was full. With love, gratitude, and adoration.

"Yes. Yes, it was all worth it. Thank you for staying by my side, Damian. I really love you." I replied, taking my eyes off the baby to look at Damian. 

He smiled at me and his eyes, the expression in them, left no doubt that he felt the same way.

"I love you, too. And even though we started this whole thing sort of backwards, it doesn't change the fact that there's no place I'd rather be right now. We're going to make this all work. I'm convinced of that. In this short time you've already given me more than I ever expected from life," he said, then leaned in to give me a kiss while one hand rested protectively on Mateo's back.

"I can't wait to get this little guy home," I said afterwards.

"Me too. And what do you think about me moving in with you guys? I want to spend as much time with you guys as possible." he replied.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said with a laugh.

"So that's settled then. I'll set everything in motion for that. I can't wait." he said with a smile.

"But we'll have to keep your nunchucks and ninja throwing stars somewhere else. Those are not toys for babies." I said with a little chuckle.

"Yeah... I know. That wouldn't be a good idea to have that stuff accessible to him." he agreed with me a little melancholic.

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