10 Insecure

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The last few months were probably the most frustrating of my life. I knew there was something more between Damian and me, but somehow nothing developed between us. We spent a lot of time together and went on dates. But that was pretty much it. Every time I asked him in which direction it went with us he dodged me and changed the subject. Then we usually only talked about the baby.

The more time passed and the more my baby bump grew, the more insecure I became. I did not feel comfortable in my skin. I lacked affection and tenderness. But apparently I had to accept that I would not get that.

Of course I understood that Damian was very busy with his work and his upcoming debut at the Royal Rumble. But part of me felt neglected. I just had the feeling that Damian was just spending time with me because he wanted to do the right thing. That was great of him, but it still hurt my feelings.

At the moment, I would have preferred to avoid him. But I also didn't want to deny him the opportunity to spend time with our unborn son. The baby loved his voice and kicked like crazy whenever he heard Damian's voice. It was important that the little man knew both of his parents.

Maybe I was just too sensitive. Maybe I read too much into Damian's behavior. After all, I was the one who told him to live his life. We were not an official couple. We had sex and were now expecting a child. That was it.

I got out of the shower and sighed deeply as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had become huge. When I looked at myself like that, I couldn't blame Damian for not being interested in me. I didn't even like the sight of myself. How should he find me attractive in this state?

After drying myself off, I grabbed the bottle of baby oil and started rubbing it on my skin. My skin was so dry that it was a nice feeling. Nevertheless, I wished me in this situation very much not to be alone.

Damian POV

I took a deep breath as I rang Y/N's doorbell and waited for her to open the door. But even after several minutes nothing happened. That was weird. She had said she would be home. Her car was also parked in the driveway. I got out my phone and tried to call her, but the call went straight to the voicemail.

It was not like her and I immediately started to worry. What if she had hurt herself or something? Without thinking about it, I took out the hidden key. Actually, she had told me the hiding place only in case of an actual emergency. But this, in my opinion, fell into that category. I didn't know if she was okay. After all, it was possible that she had fallen. Or worse.

I went inside and looked around the living room. There was no one to be seen.

"Y/N?" I called, but got no answer.

My heart began to race as I continued to walk through the house. Again I called for her, but still got no answer. Where could she be?

But when I came into the bedroom I just heard the water of the shower being turned off. That explained why she hadn't heard me. Then I heard Y/N sigh deeply. It sounded anything but happy.

"Y/N?" I called again and then quietly opened the door to the bathroom.

She was so lost in thought that she still had not heard me. I briefly watched as her hands tenderly slid over her baby bump. God, she was so beautiful. I couldn't believe how much her body had changed because she was carrying my baby. And yet she looked so fragile.

"Damian? My goodness. What are you doing here?" she suddenly asked upset as she reached for her robe and pulled it on.

"I... I'm sorry. I was worried about you. I rang the doorbell and tried to call you. But when you didn't answer, I was afraid something had happened to you," I explained to her.

"But that doesn't give you the right to watch me." she scolded and walked past me into the bedroom.

"Sorry. It's just.... You didn't hear me and you looked so beautiful. I just couldn't help myself." I said as I followed her.

"Yeah right." she snorted and started digging in one of the drawers.

"What does that mean?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not beautiful. Pretty much the opposite." she said softly.

"Why do you say that? It's not true!" I retorted.

"Let it go, Damian. I know you don't find me attractive anymore. You don't have to pretend now." she said in a breaking voice and without looking at me.

"I'm not pretending anything. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" I asked, irritated.

"Because you don't act like it, okay? Every time I try to talk about us, you avoid me. You don't show any affection. So what else am I supposed to think?" she replied, sobbing.

I stepped behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders so that I could turn her around to face me.

"The truth?" I asked softly. Y/N sniffled and nodded.

"Y/N, I'm just afraid of hurting you. This situation isn't easy and I don't know.... I'm just afraid of doing something wrong and messing up whatever we have. What if it doesn't work out? I don't want us to fight," I explained to her.

"You've already hurt me, Damian. Your dismissive behavior has hurt my feelings. Because, believe it or not, I like you you idiot and it has nothing to do with the baby." she replied.

"I like you too, Y/N. A lot." I said as I brought my hands to her cheeks and wiped away the tears with my thumbs.

"I have a hard time believing that. If I hadn't gotten pregnant-" she began.

But I did not let her talk further. I didn't want her to continue to talk herself into doubts. I leaned down to her and pressed my mouth on hers to silence her.

Immediately a relieved sigh escaped her. Y/n's arms found their way around my neck as we stood there kissing. It felt good to give in to all the pent up feelings. 

"I'll show you how much you mean to me," I whispered.

We spent the evening showing each other how we felt about each other. I knew I was exactly where I wanted to be. Even if we didn't have a baby on the way, this woman was more than I could ever ask for. It was time to overcome my fears and just live.

I knew that it was now more important than anything else in my life that I didn't mess this up.

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