25 Jackpot

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Damian POV

"Hey, Priest! How's everything going? How are Y/N and the little man?" Rhea asked me as soon as I came out of the locker room and made my way to the ring.

We had been so busy all day today that we didn't have time to catch up with each other.

"Hey, Aussie! Things are going great. And they're doing great. Y/N is just a little stressed with work and wedding preparations and Mateo of course." I replied happily as I thought of her.

"So do you guys have a date for the wedding yet? If you are already so busy planning?" she wanted to know.

"Yes, we're getting married on December 29. So in exactly one month. Time goes by so fast." I replied.

"That's really soon. Why are you guys in such a hurry to get married this year? Wouldn't it be much nicer in the summer?" asked Rhea, puzzled.

"Actually, it would, but we both want to be married before the new baby is born. And Y/N doesn't want to waddle down the aisle. Her words, not mine," I explained to her.

"Woah! Wait a second. New baby? You're having another baby? That's awesome. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!" she exclaimed, hugging me enthusiastically.

"Why didn't you tell us Y/N was pregnant again, dude?" she continued, then punched me in the shoulder.

"Well at first it was too soon and then it didn't come up. But now you know, right?" I grinned as I rubbed my shoulder.

"Man, I gotta say.... You two really don't waste any time." she laughed.

"I know, it's crazy! But I'm very happy about it. Everything is just right between us. My life has changed so much in the last 1 1/2 years. It's hard to believe. Somehow I managed to get everything I always wanted before I turn 40 next year. By that time I will have a wife and two kids. It can happen that fast," I told her and couldn't help but feel blessed once again.

My life had really changed so much that I would have thought to be impossible 2 years ago. But here I was. At this point in my life with my own growing family.

"Aww, you deserve it champ! And she's good for you. I've never seen you happier. Do you know what it's going to be yet? Pardon my curiosity." she replied.

"Thank you, and I'm incredibly happy. We've known since Friday, but are still keeping it to ourselves. But the baby has a nickname. It's Vegas." I smirked broadly.

"Vegas? Why Vegas? What does that.... oooooh! A Summer Slam baby it is! So you hit it big in Vegas, huh? Jackpot in your professional and personal life. And then there are those who say you can't have it all!" she said.

"What can I tell you, Rhea? Life is good to me right now," I replied just as my cell phone started ringing. It was a video call.

"Excuse me, please. It's Y/N and Mateo," I added.

"Hey, how are my favorite people?" I asked as I answered the call and the beaming faces of my fiancée and our little man appeared.

God, I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to get home and be able to hug them again. I couldn't wait to marry Y/N. And I couldn't wait to be able to hold our second baby in my arms.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon