12 One rash action

547 15 35

Damian POV

To distract myself a little from my nervousness, I got out my phone and dialed Y/N number. It rang a few times until I finally hear her voice.

"Oh hi, D! How are you?" she asked immediately.

"Hi Mami! I'm fine. A little nervous, but I think it could be worse. How are you and the little man? I hope he doesn't suddenly want to come into the world as of right now." I replied as I sat down on one of the benches furthest away from the others.

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't seem to be going to start today. I'm sure he'll be waiting for you, Damian. Concentrate on the debut while I bake the bun in my oven." said Y/N laughing.

"I'll try. But please let me know as soon as it happens. I definitely don't want to miss it." I then said.

"Of course. I don't feel like doing this alone. I want to have someone there to blame. So you better be prepared. I'll be sure to curse you. But please, don't hold it against me. I've always been a wimp when it comes to pain." she replied.

"You can call me all the names you want, as long as it helps you. I can take it. After all, I don't have to push it out of my lower area." I assured.

"That's true. Because if it were possible, I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat, Mister tough wrestler." chuckled Y/N.

"I know. I've got to get going. I'll come by your place tomorrow around noon, if that's okay," I said.

"Um... yeah, that should be fine. I have some work stuff to do, but it should be sorted out by then." she replied.

"Still? That's way too stressful. The doctor said you should take it easy." I said with a huff.

"I know, I know! I just can't help it. And I'm not stressed. I promise." spoke Y/N, trying to calm me down that way.

"Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow then Mami! Bye." I replied with a sigh.

"See ya D. Have fun!" she said before we both hung up and I got ready for this important evening.


Now as I made my way to Y/N, I just couldn't stop smiling. Everything had gone great and I couldn't wait to tell her all about last night. Unfortunately, I didn't have long because I had to be back on RAW for tonight. Still, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to spend some time with Y/N.

Now it was not long before the baby would arrive. Actually, it could come any time now. I was nervous and excited, but by now I was no longer afraid of becoming a father. Being a father, on the other hand, still worried me. I really hoped that I was up to the task. I didn't want my son, when he grew up, to say that his dad didn't do everything for him. I would never forgive myself for that.

Arriving in front of Y/N's house, I got out of the car but immediately froze. Y/N just came out of the door with a man. She smiled broadly as she proudly ran her hand over her belly. And then the guy put his hand on hers.

What was going on here? Who was this guy?

Then I saw the two of them hugging each other tightly. Anger and jealousy began to rise in me as I slowly walked towards them. Neither of them had noticed me until now. But when they broke away from the embrace, the man leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Y/N's baby bump. To my son!

What was it! I saw red! Without thinking about it or asking a question, I walked up to the guy and grabbed him by the collar and slammed him back first against the wall next to the front door.

"Damian! What are you doing? Let him go!" Y/N yelled. But I barely heard it.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? That's my girlfriend and my son!" I growled at the guy.

"Damian, stop! That's my cousin! You're hurting him. Let go!" shrieked Y/N and then tried to pull my arm away.

"Your cousin?" I asked as I slowly realized what was really happening here.

"Yes. And my second in command at my salon. He's taking over while I'm on maternity leave." she explained to me.

Slowly, I loosened my iron grip. Confused and ashamed, I looked at the frightened man in front of me.

"I'm sorry man. I'm really sorry," I muttered.

"Kevin, are you okay?" asked Y/N before he could say anything.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I should get going." he replied, then left without another word.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? What was that about?" she continued to yell at me.

"I don't know. I just snapped. I'm sorry. I-" I began to apologize.

"You can't just attack people! I can't believe this. I can't even look at you. I think it's better if you leave now, Damian," Y/N interrupted me.

"Y/N, please! I can-" I tried again.

"No! Leave! Get the hell out of here!" she cried and then went back into the house, slamming the door behind her.

Now what I was always so afraid of had happened. I had blown it. With one rash action, I had screwed up. And I had no idea how to fix it.

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