20 No more sleep

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I was awakened from sleep when I felt a soft kiss on my head. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw Damian kneeling beside the bed and looking at me. He was wearing a white suit and looked like a whole meal.

"Hey D. You're back. What time is it? You look great!" I whispered so as not to wake Mateo.

A quick glance in the direction of our son showed me that he was fast asleep in his travel bed. He had, just like his father an exciting day behind him. I was glad that he slept like a rock despite the unfamiliar surroundings.

"It's just after 2 in the morning. I'll change quickly and then I'll come snuggle with you, princesa," he replied softly and then gave me a proper kiss before heading to the bathroom.

It wasn't long before the door opened again and he came out in nothing but boxers. You could see how exhausted he was. Nevertheless, a content, happy smile played around his lips. Damian lay down next to me under the covers and wrapped his long arms tightly around me before sighing deeply.

"Are you okay?" I wanted to know in hushed tones.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just have a little back pain. That's all. I'm glad to finally be with you." he replied just as quietly.

"What do you think about a back massage?" I wanted to know.

"I think very highly of that. But don't you want to sleep?" he asked.

"I've already slept. And if it helps you, I'll massage your back. Come on. Lie on your stomach, baby." I replied and he did what I said without hesitation.

I sat down on his butt with my knees to either side of him and began to massage and loosen his hard, sore muscles. More and more I felt Damian relax.

"Does that feel good?" I asked after a while.

"So good, you have magic hands Mami." He murmured in a low voice.

"Good!" I whispered with a grin.

Suddenly he turned under me and then sat up. His arms wrapped tightly around my middle as he pulled me hard against his chest. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that my breath hitched. In a heartbeat, his lips were pressed to mine. I sighed as Damian began to kiss me. My hands rested on his neck as our lips moved together in a sensual rhythm. Slowly and tenderly his tongue massaged mine as our hot breath mixed. Slowly his warm hands slipped under his T-shirt that I wore to sleep in.

"Damian? I can't do this..." I said in a weak voice as he kissed his way from my cheek down my jaw and along my neck.

"Why not?" he wanted to know, his lips on my collarbone.

"I can't do it with the baby in the same room. What if he wakes up?" I replied.

"Oh... yeah, you're right. We should stop." he mumbled, disappointed.

"I didn't say that. Let's take this to the bathroom, champ." I whispered against his mouth as I lifted his head with my hands.

He looked at me for a moment and then stood up. Damian held me upright with his hands under my butt as I wrapped my legs around his hips and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

"Show me why you're the champion, D. But we have to try to be quiet," I said as he sat me down on the countertop and then pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"No promises." he murmured once his lips left hot kisses on my breasts.

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