15 The gift

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I opened my eyes and looked at the other side of my bed only to find that Damian was no longer in bed next to me. Confused, I looked at the clock and realized that it was already after 9 o'clock. That probably meant he was already on his way to the gym.

Although I was very grateful that he had let me sleep, but still it would have been nice if he had said goodbye to me. Carefully I got out of bed and stretched. Yawning, I grabbed a hair tie that was on my nightstand and tied my hair into a messy bun. Then I pulled on my bathrobe and put my phone in my pocket.

Then I slowly waddled through the house and into the kitchen. My gaze immediately fell on the beautifully set table and the scent of freshly brewed coffee rose to my nose. Smiling, I pulled out my phone and called Damian.

"Good morning Princesa. How are you?" Damian asked me and I heard the effort in his voice that he was in the middle of a workout.

"Good morning! Am I interrupting? I just wanted to thank you for the delicious breakfast. The flowers are lovely." I said as I sat down and sniffed the bouquet of flowers.

"You're welcome. You've been tossing and turning all night, so I thought it best to let you sleep," he replied.

"You're right. It's getting very uncomfortable. As far as I'm concerned, the young man can start to come around." I sighed and put a piece of fruit in my mouth.

"It can't be much longer. You're already over your due date. So it can start anytime and I'm never far away. You just have to stay calm and call me right away." Damian then said.

"Um... speaking of that... I think... I think my water just broke!" I gasped in surprise as I suddenly felt something wet on my legs.

"Really? Okay, Y/N. Just stay calm. I'll be right with you. Put on some fresh clothes and I'll be there. Our little one is coming!" he babbled and I heard him run.

"Take it easy, Damian. Go take a shower, get dressed and then drive carefully. We need you." I replied and then made my way to the bathroom.

"Okay, okay. Be right there." he then said breathlessly before hanging up.

"So let's see if your Papi is right, that you will be born on Valentine's Day. But if it comes to me you do not have to take that much time, okay?" I said to the child in my belly while I was in the shower.

I had just dried myself and put on fresh clothes when I felt the first contraction coming. And boy, oh boy, it took my breath away. I had to sit down on the bed while I tried to breathe calmly and evenly.

Damian POV

I stopped the car in front of Y/N's house and jumped out without turning off the engine or even closing the door.

"Y/N? Baby, where are you?" I asked when I didn't see her right away.

"Bedroom." I heard her call out.

With quick steps, I rushed into the bedroom and saw her sitting doubled over on the bed, breathing in and out shakily.

"How bad is it?" I wanted to know as I took her hands in mine.

"Normal pain level or wimp level?" she replied, giving me a pained smile.

"Come on, Mami. Let's get going." I said as I helped her to her feet and led her out.

On my way out, I grabbed the hospital bag and the baby carrier before locking the front door. Then I carefully led her to the car and opened the passenger door.

Then I threw the bag and the carrier on the back seat before I ran to the driver's side and got behind the wheel. A quick glance at Y/N was enough to make me realize that I should hurry.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital, Y/N was taken to a room and examined.

"Okay, Miss L/N. It's going to be a while. You are only at one centimeter. I saw in your birth plan that you wanted pain medication. Is that still the case?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, give me all the pain meds you can," replied Y/N.

"Wait a minute. Is that such a good idea? Isn't that harmful to the baby?" I asked both Y/N and the doctor.

"Hey, I want painkillers, okay? I told you before that I'm a wimp. So unless you grow a vagina and uterus in the next 30 seconds, your opinion doesn't count." Y/N grunted in pain.

That was true. She had warned me and I really tried not to take it personally. She was the one who was suffering now and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Sorry." I said softly and took her hand in mine. Immediately she gave me an apologetic look.

"I understand your concern, Mr. Priest, but it's unnecessary. In many cases, the medications actually help speed up the birth. The body can relax and the dilatation of the cervix often goes faster," the doctor explained to me.

Time passed slowly and we went from contraction to contraction. And it was more and more difficult for me to see how painful it was even under medication. Women were real superheroes. I was pretty sure that if men were the ones to bear the children, humanity would be threatened.

Hour after hour passed. I did my best to support Y/N. I held her hand, walked around with her or massaged her back. Whatever she needed, she got it. And so now it was already approaching midnight when she could start pushing.

"You're doing great, Y/N. One more time." said the doctor.

Y/N took another deep breath and pushed. When our son's cries rang out, she sank into the pillow, relieved and exhausted.

"Hey little guy!" she whispered to Mateo as he was placed on her chest.

"9 months pregnant and the kid looks like his dad!" she groaned softly with a small smile.

"I think he looks like you." I replied as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"We'll see about that. But you weren't right about his birthday. We made it before midnight," she said softly.

"Actually... it was already a minute past midnight." the doctor corrected.

"Okay, fine. You've won. Our Valentine baby." Y/N surrendered.

"It doesn't matter. As long as he's safe and sound. And it's a great Valentine's Day gift." I replied.

"True. Thank you for this gift." she whispered.

"I love you, Y/N. You and Mateo Lee L/N. I love my family." I said when I couldn't hold it in any longer.

On this wonderful day, I was practically made of nothing but love.

"I love you too, Damian. And Mateo does too. So much more than you know." she replied and then reached out to give me a gentle kiss.

I then leaned my forehead against hers while my hand gently rested on our son's back. My gaze wandered to Mateo Lee and then back to Y/N. And just like that, my world was complete.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن