23 In the Caribbean

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"I have no idea how you guys always do it," I said tiredly as I pushed Mateo into our hotel room.

Fortunately, the little man was in a much better mood and enjoyed the flight very much, despite the time. And again he flirted with the flight attendants. My charming little prince.

"What do you mean?" asked Damian as he closed the door behind us.

"The getting up in the middle of the night to catch a flight. I'm so tired." I explained to him and then yawned.

"You get used to everything. Besides, it's also different to have a baby with you. You can lie down for a few hours. I'll take care of Mateo." he replied as he wrapped his arms around me.

"That sounds like a good idea." I agreed and rested my head against his chest.

"How are you feeling?" he wanted to know after a few moments.

"I'm fine. Just tired." I said to him.

That was not quite the truth. I wasn't feeling very well, but I certainly didn't want to ruin our trip. Damian was so excited to show us his country and said he had a surprise planned. And to be perfectly honest it wasn't that bad, or at least that's what I told myself. Mind over matter. Wasn't that what people always said?

"I'm not convinced, princesa. You're pale and you threw up on the plane." he replied.

"How do you know that?" I asked, surprised, because I hadn't told him.

"I've just known you for quite a while now," he said proudly.

"Please don't worry, D. It was just motion sickness for sure. Nothing to worry about. I'm going to lie down. But only for an hour. Why don't you go for a walk with Mateo?" I replied and then quickly changed the subject.

"Okay. We'll get a snack, too. Do you want us to bring you anything?" he then wanted to know.

"Maybe an iced coffee? Oh, and don't forget to put sunscreen on him," I said, disentangling myself from his arms and opening the suitcase to get the sunscreen out.

"And make sure he doesn't pull his hat off his head. He'll try for sure. Our sassy little boy," I added as I lifted Mateo out of his stroller and hugged him to me.

The little man gave me a really sweet smile and showed off his little teeth. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and then passed him on to Damian. Unlike yesterday, he was very happy to let his Papi hold him today.

"We'll figure it out, won't we monkey? See you later, Mami. We love you." replied Damian, giving me a kiss and then looking me carefully before he and Mateo left.


"Oh my goodness, Damian! This is so beautiful!" I breathed as we arrived at one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen in my life.

By now it was afternoon and we wanted to spend some more time as a family before Damian had to go to his show. And besides that, a photographer from WWE wanted to take some official photos. Damian was also able to convince him to take some family photos of us. That was a great idea!

"I'm glad you like it! And I think the little man likes it too." he said and then laughed when he saw how much Mateo was wriggling in my arms.

"Just like the father. But we already knew that!" I replied, reaching out to him.

While the photographer and Damian took the photos, I sat in the sand with Mateo and watched everything. Our son seemed to be very fascinated by the waves. Whenever a new wave broke on the shore, he would squeal with delight. It warmed my heart to see him so excited. And what also warmed my heart was the sight of my shirtless boyfriend.

When they were done with the official photos, it was time for the family photos. It really was a gorgeous setting and I knew I would love and cherish these photos forever.

"I'll just say a quick goodbye to him and then I'll be right back with you princesa." said Damian to us when we were done.

I took the chance and looked out at the wild sea. Mateo snuggled close to me and rested his head against my chest. He was getting tired. I gave him a kiss on his hair and gently rocked him back and forth. I sighed. If it were up to me, I could stay here forever. But I was sure that we would visit Puerto Rico and this place many times in the future.

"Y/N?" called Damian for me, bringing me back from my dream.

Slowly I turned to him and almost dropped the baby in surprise.

Damian was down on one knee holding something in his outstretched hand. A dazzling smile formed on his face when he saw my expression.

"Come here, Mami!" he said and without saying a word me and Mateo walked towards him.

"I promised you a surprise. And I thought that there is no better place for it than here. I know the way we found each other wasn't exactly traditional, but that doesn't change the fact that it's the best thing that could have happened to me and hopefully to you as well. In you I have found what I have always been looking for, but thought I would never find. You, Y/N, have given me so much. You gave life to our son. You made me a father. I am so proud to have you by my side. I am proud to call you mine. And now it's time to make it official.

So I ask you Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor and become my wife? Will you marry me?" he said in a low, serious voice.

"Oh my God! Yes! Of course yes!" I said softly.

I was totally overwhelmed. I hadn't expected this one bit. He had told me he was planning a surprise, but I thought he meant a candlelit dinner or something.

Slowly and with trembling knees, I closed the short distance between us and carefully sat down on his knee. Damian wrapped his arms around Mateo and me and then gave me a passionate kiss before putting the most perfect ring imaginable on my finger.

While holding Mateo tightly with one arm, I wrapped my other arm hard around Damian's neck. Then I rested my forehead against his and took a deep breath. 

"I love you." I whispered, still overwhelmed with emotion.

"I love you. And you, monkey." he whispered back.

We stayed like that for a while until it was time to leave for the hotel. I would have liked to stay there, but unfortunately this moment had to end.

Fortunately, we also had photos of this life-changing moment, because the photographer had by no means left. It was planned so that I should think he was done, but instead Damian wanted him to stay there and capture this unique scene for us for eternity.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें