19 Champion

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"Okay, sweetie! Let's go see where your Papi is. I'm sure he's excited about his big match," I said to Mateo as I pushed him through the backstage area of the stadium after the security check.

Time went by so fast and now my baby was already 6 months old. And I could say without bias that he was getting cuter every day. Just like his father.

It didn't take long until we met Rhea and she greeted us joyfully. Smiling, she hugged me and then gave her attention to the little boy in his stroller.

"How are you, Mister Mateo? How is the little monkey?" she cooed and the little one beamed at her.

"He misses his Papi. Do you have any idea where he is?" I asked, smiling.

"Sure. He's getting his hair braided right now. Come on, I'll take you there." she said and led the way.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hairdressers and barbers setup. When Mateo saw his Papi he immediately started squealing joyfully and rocked back and forth.

"Hey! There you are!" said Damian excitedly, jumping to his feet to greet us.

"Hi princesa." he said to me and gave me a much needed kiss before bending down to Mateo and lifting him out of the stroller.

"Hello my boy. God I missed you guys. Have you been a good boy for Mami?" wanted Damian to know as he rocked Mateo up and down.

The little guy smiled at his father and pulled his hair. Once again I was amazed at how similar my two men looked. I was sure that one day we would have a little heart breaker on our hands. In a way, we already had that already.

"He was really great. The flight went better than I would have thought. I hope the same goes for the return flight. He was an angel and didn't even cry once. I was so surprised." I said to Damian as I wrapped my arms around them both.

"That's my boy!" praised Damian proudly and gave Mateo a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh he is so your son, D! He was flirting with the flight attendants. Every time one of the ladies came over to ask if everything was okay, he would smile at her and squeal and coo. You should have seen that. It even looked like he was batting his eyelashes." I laughed as I thought back to that.

"Damian, we really need to get on with your hair now." said the woman in charge of his hair.

And that was exactly what they did. She tried to braid the colorful hairpieces into his hair, but had to start over and over again. At some point, I couldn't watch it anymore.

"Okay, you know what? Let me do it!" I said as she tried for the fifth time to start braiding.

I pushed Mateo into Damian's arms and the little man was only too happy to let his Papi hold him.

"Are you sure you can do this?" the woman asked me in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm sure I can do it," I replied and had to hold back the roll of my eyes.

With quick movements I began to braid his hair while my boys babbled with each other. Mateo loved it when Damian made faces and funny noises. He laughed and babbled the entire time. He was such a daddy's boy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I warned Damian as he held Mateo over his head.

"Why? What's going to happen'" he asked cheerfully.

"He'll drool on your face." I laughed as I tied off the last braid.

"Nah, my boy doesn't do that! Right monkey?" he said and it didn't take 3 seconds for a drop of spit to hit him in the eye.

"Ewww!" whined Damian, but Mateo didn't let it bother him one bit. He just kept chewing on his little fists and laughing at his Papi.

I doubled over laughing and was glad Damian's hair was done. I wasn't sure if I could concentrate again after that.

"Little devil! You did that on purpose!" grumbled Damian as he wiped his face.

"I'm sure it's good luck," I replied, giggling.


And indeed it was!

Damian was now the new United States Champion. His performance was so great and he deserved it so much. I was almost bursting with pride as I stood backstage with Mateo in my arms waiting for him.

"Congratulations Champ! I am so proud of you! We are so proud!" I said as he stepped through the curtain and immediately wrapped us in his arms.

"Thank you princesa. I could never have done this without you guys. Your support made this possible. I love you guys so much, you have no idea." he replied and gave me a long kiss.

Then he took Mateo in his arms and held him close. He was exhausted, but oh, so happy.

"We love you, Papi! You've made this happen all on your own through your determination, D! You are a huge inspiration to so many people around the world. You should be so proud of that. No one can take that away from you." I said as I put my hand to his face and ran my fingers over the little bump on his forehead.

For a few more minutes we stood there tightly embraced enjoying this beautiful moment. I knew it meant everything to Damian that we were there for his big moment. But I was convinced that this was only the beginning for him.

Then duty called for Damian again and he had to go to interviews and photo shoots. I headed back to the hotel with the baby. It was already late for the little man, even if he had taken a nap.

Damian should enjoy and celebrate his title win. He deserved it so much. Later he would come to the hotel and spend the night or what was left of it with us. With his family. With the people closest to him.

Unexpected connection [a Damian Priest story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon