Chapter 60

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Sonic's POV

Kianna was missing. We searched the whole hospital, and she was nowhere to be found. We even had the Hospital locked down, and we searched for hours. Jason soon started to panic after we had no luck.

"Don't worry! She's probably fine! She knows how to take care of herself! Sort of..." Amy tried to reassure him.

"Probably..?" Jason asked as he started to breathe heavily. "PROBABLY?!?!"

"Jason! Calm down! She's fine!"

"Where's one place where she would go?" Tails asked, and then it hit me. There were four places she would go, and I knew which one that she was at.


We walked into the Palace and Kianna was sitting on the couch, eating a bag of chips while watching TV.

"Ahem." I said and Kianna turned her head to look at us.

"It's about time! What took you guys so long?!"

"We had the Hospital on lockdown looking for you!" Tails told her.

"You guys should've known that I would've left. Especially you, Sonic. I expected you to know me well enough to come straight here."

"Well it's been a while, Kianna, and, besides, I'm not Aleena." Then they both went silent, and everything became awkward.

"What does... What does this have to do with Aleena..?" Amy asked.

"It's... It's a long story..." Kianna said. Sonic gave a small nod in agreement.

Hey guys! Should I do the next Chapter on Aleena? Please let me know in the comments! Thanks!

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