Chapter 81

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Sonic's POV

"You knew?!" I yelled.

"Yes, Hedgehog. You and your four year old self couldn't keep a secret, so we didn't tell you."

"But-but why didn't you tell me after?!" I asked, confused.

"Because you abandoned me on Avalon before I was able to tell you. The plan was to tell you before we left so you could look for her. Now, YOU! You weren't supposed to come back!!!! When did you come back and why?!"

"I came back for you, sweetheart. I felt guilty leaving you alone."

"Oh, you felt guilty? You feel guilty?! Then why didn't you just take Hedgehog with you like we had planned?! Hm?!"

"I would've, but there WASN'T enough time, and I knew you would've taken great care of him."

"Obviously I would've! But I was supposed to go too! Same with Hedgehog! WE were supposed to escape this stupid place, but then you left! ALONE! Do you KNOW how much that hurt?!"

"I'm sorry, but family comes first. Biological family." Kianna bit her lip and looked at the ground.

"Yet you expected me to take care of Hedgehog."

"Because I KNEW you would of!"

"But what about me? Who was there to take care of me? Huh?" Aleena was silent. "Exactly. Nobody. Just ONCE in my life, I wanted SOMEBODY to be there for me, but guess what? That's NEVER gonna happen. Now, we're all going to Camelot and to the Palace. Let's go." I escorted them all while Kianna got a DNA sample from every single one of them. We arrived at the Palace, and everybody was assigned a room.

"I'm so sorry." I told Kianna while we were getting everybody situated.

"It's ok. It's not your fault." Kianna put all of the DNA in different baggies. "Now, it's time to find Flames' mom." Tears then welled up in her eyes. She wiped her eyes and then left. I felt bad for her.

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