Chapter Twenty Three

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Zayn Malik looked up and back into the green, emerald eyes of Harry Styles.

“Stop looking at me.” Zayn scolded the teacher, as they both sat in the nurse’s room. Zayn had to be under strict supervision for the rest of the day, and since Harry didn’t have any lessons to teach, so he instantly wanted to look after Zayn. Harry didn’t have any problems with spending any time with the younger boy, but it appeared that Zayn had a problem with him. Harry sadly dragged his eyes away from Zayn, but instantly regretted it.

The nurse’s room was cold, and there was an examination table in one corner of the white room. Zayn had been made to sit there all day, he wasn’t allowed to leave the room in case he passed out again. Zayn’s left arm had also been bandaged up, and it was stuck in a weird cast. He hadn’t broken it, but apparently to the nurse he was extremely lucky it wasn’t broken, but the cast would be on his arm for a long while. In all honesty, Zayn barely remembered what had happened, he hadn’t known that he had passed out and almost stopped breathing; he just thought he was fast asleep, until he had that nightmare. That nightmare

Zayn shuddered at the thought of it, and pulled his jackets further around himself. He couldn’t believe he was stuck in here with Harry. Zayn was huddled up, his knees next to his chest, as he stared out of the small window that was in the nurse’s office. The minute that he had spoken to tell Harry to stop looking at him, he regretted it. He missed having those protective green eyes stuck to his face. Harry was sat on the end of the table, twiddling his thumbs and looking into space, awkwardly. Zayn bit on his lip. He was so awkward, for some reason Zayn really liked it.

“Now you’re the one staring at me.” Harry spoke quietly, turning his head slightly to look at Zayn. There was a small smirk on Harry’s face, which made one rise on Zayn’s face for some reason. The two boys chuckled slightly before looking away from each other.

Harry thought about the bruises on Zayn’s chest, and wrists, and even the small faded one that was placed underneath his jaw. The two boys were alone, so Harry figured that if he was going to find out about them, he might as well do it now. It was going to be a hell of a fragile subject though, so Harry prepared himself for the upcoming backlash of Zayn’s words, before finally clearing his throat. Zayn looked up at him, and Harry almost died from the slightly vulnerable look that was in Zayn’s tired eyes. Zayn sighed and put his head back against the wall, almost knowing what was coming.

“I think we ought to talk.” Harry suggested quietly, although Zayn didn’t respond. He just looked up at the ceiling blankly. Harry took a moment to collect his thoughts. He was slightly distracted by the Adam’s apple that was on Zayn’s neck, and then that jawbone…Oh God Harry, pull it together.

“Look, I’m just to come out with it, okay? When you passed out and weren’t responding, I checked your pulse. I pulled down your sleeves and it was covered in little bruises. Then, when the first aiders were about to cardiac arrest, they opened your top, and your chest has a huge bruise on it, Zayn. No one else has seen them, and I don’t want to tell anyone, I swear, but what the hell happened?” Harry asked out truthfully, before looking at Zayn, desperate for an answer. Zayn’s eyes scrunched together, and he slowly covered his face, staying silent.

“Zayn, please, please tell me. I just want to protect you.” Harry pleaded with him, edging closer to him slightly.

Zayn took his hands away from his face. He didn’t want to have this conversation with anyone. He didn’t want to talk about the bruises, the cuts, and the scars that were stuck on his body for the rest of his life. Everytime he looked down at his body, he’d be reminded of what had happened to him, and how his life was. He was going to have to carry this with him all his life, and for some reason, he felt Harry wasn’t going to understand that. Harry was such a clean-cut guy; he wouldn’t have had to put up with everything Zayn had put up with, that’s another reason he wasn’t going to tell him anything.        

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