Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Dedicated to all of my beautifully, sexually frustrated Zarry lovechild siblings. That's right, *MATURE SCENES*, my loveeeers!x

When Harry Styles opened his front door for the second time that night, he was half expecting it to be Louis and Eleanor again, claiming they’d forgotten something, or maybe even wanting to start another small argument about something or other, but he never expected it to be Zayn. Zayn’s hands were gripping onto the sides of the door, those chocolate eyes staring at Harry with desperation.

“Zayn?” Harry heard himself squeak, as he took in the boys’ appearance. Zayn looked rough. No, rough was an understatement. Zayn looked like someone had shaken him up, like a bottle of coca cola. That’s when Harry realised that Zayn had tearstained cheeks. His bottom lip was quivering uncontrollably, but as Harry’s eyes wandered down to Zayn’s chest he got the shock of his life. His white school shirt, now grey from dirt and dust was unbuttoned, the October breeze making it drift away from his damaged torso. He was shaking from the cold, his perfect abs chiselled with goosebumps. Harry looked up from his chest and back into the boys eyes.

“Harreh.” His name fell effortlessly from Zayn’s lips, before Zayn’s face scrunched up, more tears falling down his cheeks. The younger boy fell into Harry’s arms like a baby bird plummeting from a nest. Harry caught the boy and held him tightly, as Zayn burst into tears, clinging onto Harry’s body with the last of his remaining strength. Harry kissed his forehead; deciding it was best if Zayn came inside, maybe even stay the night. Something bad had obviously happened, judging by the large, dark bruises that laid across the boys’ beautiful torso.

“C’mon, Zayn.” Harry told the boy softly, before he gently picked up the boy in his arms, and Zayn just clung to him, broken. Harry kicked the front door closed with his foot, before taking the younger boy into the living room. Harry gently placed him onto the sofa. Once Zayn made contact with the sofa, it was like his body quickly repelled from Harry’s. Zayn quickly looked up at Harry viciously.

“Don’t fucking look at me! I don’t want to be looked at, or pitied!” Zayn yelled angrily, before facing the other way on the sofa, crawling up into a ball and pulling a pillow over his face. It was like the younger boy wanted the sofa to just swallow him up. Harry looked over him with a sigh. He was such a troubled boy, so much pent up emotion that he didn’t know how to handle. As Zayn was curled up in his ball, his body shaking as he hid away and cried, Harry noticed how his school shirt was still open, and down the boys’ back, revealing some perfect, olive skin, but some more bruises. Harry looked at it with sad, green eyes. Before he even realised it, he had leaned forward and kissed the exposed skin of the boys’ back, his soft lips placing the short, soft kiss. Zayn stopped shaking and shuddering, although his heavy breathing filled up the quiet room. Harry nuzzled his nose against the soft skin, before standing up.

“I’ll leave you alone for a bit.” Harry told him softly, but as he went to leave the room, Zayn sat up with a yelp.

“No, stay with me, p-please Harreh, please.” Zayn begged him, which made Harry’s heart twist with sympathy. Harry quickly made his way back over to the younger boy. Harry shushed him softly, before sitting next to him softly on the sofa. Zayn looked up at him, his eyes were red from crying, and the pillow that he was crying on had dark, wet patches on from his tears.

“Stay, don’t leave me on my own.” Zayn whispered, almost choking on his words. Harry shushed him once more, stroking the younger boys’ arm.

“Breathe, calm down, Zaynie.” Harry told him, trying to make his deep voice sound soft for once. Zayn let out a yelp, before he did that movement again, where he flinched from Harry’s touch and rolled away from him, covering his face with a cushion.

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