Eye on the Prize

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Sorry for not updating for a bit. I haven't been feeling well and been writing another fanficition on the side.


"I'll have the bed. You get the floor!" Nejire chimed.

"Er... Thanks." Mikoto didn't feel ok with the idea, but she didn't want to argue about it.

She didn't feel any calmer, but could tell that they won't kill her just yet.

(Maybe they will have me die on the mission? I don't know.) She went to lay down on the rock hard floor. Man, it was uncomfortable.

Asking for pillows and blankets would be nice, but Nejire shown no indications of giving her some. Even though her bed was filled with pillows. How greedy.

(She acts friendly, but it seems fake. Or maybe I'm just overthinking since we both don't know each other well.)

News flash. Nejire is a villain. Wake up, Mikoto!

No, in fact. Just go to sleep. How can someone sleep under these conditions?

(What if a rat climbs over me while I'm trying to?)

Her thoughts raced as she squeezed her eyes shut.

(Yup. No chances sleeping. Don't even know how much time has passed already!)

Then she heard commotion in the other room. She sat up.

"Kazuno's probably trying to escape." Nejire yawned as the noise woke her up. "Nothing to worry about. But if they don't stop, I'll have to go over there. My bed's too comfy!" She added a whine.

(Yeah, like that makes me feel better! And thanks for rubbing in about your bed.) Mikoto tried not to hyperventilate.

The commotion stopped. Then there was silence once more. Nejire was already passed out and snoring.

Lovely. This was just so lovely. Can you smell the sarcasm through this text? Hope so!

The anxiety was unreal as she worried for Kazuno. She didn't want to, but she was. Mikoto thinks she wouldn't bother trying to escape with her.

(Kazuno is selfish. She only thinks about me rarely. Just go to sleep. Who cares! Sleep!!!)

The panic made it hard for her to do so, but it eventually calmed down. Just when she was about to drift to slumber for being tired from her nerves...

"Get up- Wait."

Nejire woke up due to Satoko's voice. She put on a nervous smile. "Oh, I-"

"Why didn't you provide Mikoto with proper bedding?" Satoko reprimanded. "It's almost time to go and she has bags under her eyes!"

Must be 4AM already. Satoko's scolding was able to wake up Tamaki in the other room.

Tamaki started to get up from his bed. He could hear what Satoko was saying, but it didn't make sense in his half-awake state. It wouldn't make sense anyway. He always saw Nejire as such a sweet person. It was hard for him to believe that she would ever purposefully hurt someone's feelings.

He left the room to wait in the main area of the hideout for everyone else to get up. As he waited, he could hear voices in the other rooms. From there he couldn't make out words though. Only the voices and who they belonged to.

"And you!" Tamaki saw Satoko swing open Izuku's door, finding a sleep deprived Kazuno. "Why did you tie her up?!"

"She was trying to escape." Izuku pointed out.

"Untie her. Now." Satoko sighed in annoyance. He was starting to do that regardless. "You kids need to learn that new members shouldn't be treated this way."

RoleSwap (Villain Shoto/Villain Tamaki x OC + Katsuki/Villain Izuku x OC)Where stories live. Discover now