3. The meeting

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The days went by in a speed of light. Finally the weekend came. Namjoon and Seokjin were so excited and so were the boys. They were gonna see the little ones so of course it was a big day for everyone. "Hyung, are you ready?" Namjoon said, holding his husband's hand. "As ready as I'll ever be." Namjoon smiled, pinching Seokjin's cheek.

"Guys hurry up! We're going to be late." Namjoon yelled as they were already downstairs. "We're here." Few minutes later everyone came one by one. "Let's go." Yoongi said. With that they made their way to the orphanage. 

The boys were chaotic as hell. Though they were at the car but it doesn't matter. Having fun, fighting with each other were their everyday routine. "I'm going to be their favourite, not you Jungkook-ah." Taehyung said wanting to start a fight cause Jungkook's been teasing him all day.  "In your dreams Taehyung." Jungkook retorted back.

"Both of you shut up! I'll be their favourite." Jimin said flicking his hair.  "Huh! You guys just wait and watch! I'll be their most favourite. You won't stand a chance." Hoseok said smirking. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin stared at him with a judgemental look.  "Huh? As if!" Taehyung talked back. Then they started bickering like kids until Yoongi had enough of this. "Guys can you shut your mouth for a second? I can't focus on driving for your annoying voices."

"NO!" They said. Yoongi shook his head, being so done. He knew it was pointless. They always bicker like this anyways. "They're still child." Seokjin said. "Tell me something I don't know." Namjoon said as he giggled. They both were dying out of laughter to see their bickering and also Yoongi's expression was priceless.

Some times later they arrived at the orphanage. The boys got off the car except Yoongi as he needed to park the car. He told everyone to go inside and he'll join them in a bit. So the others went inside. A lady bowed and welcomed them. She looked at Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Hello! How are you Mr. Kims?" She asked with a smile.  "Hi, we're fine. How are you?" Namjoon asked. "I'm fine as well. Let me show you the office. Let's go." With that she showed them the office. The boys told them that they'll be outside of the office as they were waiting for Yoongi. They could still watch everything from there because of glass window. So Namjoon and Seokjin went inside. They saw a middle aged lady was checking some papers, sitting at her desk. "May we come in?"

"Oh! Mr. Kim, come in. I was waiting for you." The lady said, looking up. They both came in. "Hello mam. This is my husband Kim Seokjin." Namjoon and Seokjin both bowed at her. "Oh I know. I mean who doesn't know Kim Seokjin, one of the best chefs of Korea. I've to say Mr. Kim your cooking skill is in another level. I tried it myself." The lady complimented. "Thank you so much mam." Seokjin said, smiling. They talked with each other for some time.

"Okay so before meeting your daughters, I need you to sign this papers then you'll be officially parents." Namjoon and Seokjin did all the paper work before they met their daughter. They couldn't wait anymore.  After the paper work the woman called someone to fetch the girls, their soon to be daughters.

Meanwhile Seokjin was already emotional and at the same time he was nervous. Namjoon was feeling the same but for now he needed to be calm for Seokjin. He held Seokjin's hand for comfort. As for the boys they were watching everything from outside. They saw a woman brought the girls.

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