23. Truth

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Hoseok really didn't care anymore though deep down he also wanted answer and Y/N was desperate so he just agreed. "Fine. Tell me why did you leave?" He asked. Y/N sighed, not looking at him because it still hurts. "Umm so..."


Y/N used to live with Jimin and his parents. After her dad left her and her mom for another woman, her mom became aggressive. She used to beat Y/N with or without any reason and on the top of that she was a drug addict. She had a boyfriend also and he was not a good person.

One day Y/N called Jimin's mom and told her to save herself because her mom's boyfriend was trying to rape  during her absence. She hit him with a baseball bat. Y/N was so scared. Jimin's parents was fast to go to her place with police. After that they took her with them and raised her like their own daughter.

As for Y/N's mom and her fucker boyfriend, police caught them. So it can be seen that her childhood was not really a joyful one until Jimin's parents adopted her. 

One day Y/N got up early cause Hoseok's father called. She was confused. "Noona why are you up this early? We've still two hours before school." Jimin said coming inside her room. "I know Jiminie but I need to go to Seok's house."

"Why? Isn't he at his grandmother's house?" Jimin asked. "He is but I don't know why Seok's appa called me saying he needs to talk and it's urgent." She said. "What's so important? I've a bad feeling about it." He said having a sigh. "Me too. Anyway I better get ready. See you at school."

After getting ready Y/N left for Hoseok's home. After arriving his place, she saw there's no one. The maid told her to wait. So Y/N was waiting in the living room anxiously. She was so nervous. What's with this urgency? She was having an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"You're very punctual. I like it." At that moment Hoseok's dad came. She bowed him quickly. "Anyway I'll just get straight to the point." He said. Now she was panicking more than before. "Is something wrong ajusshi?"

"Listen Y/N I want you to get out my son's life as soon as possible." She looked at him in disbelief. "Ajusshi what are you talking about? I don't understand." She was still confused. "Just leave my son. You're a bad influence on him. He's getting bad grades because of you. He always talks about you. Y/N this, Y/N that. I'm tired of this shit."

"Are you kidding right?" Y/N said not believing it. "You're a witch. You manipulated my son otherwise my Hoseok would never involve himself with a girl like you." Tears gathered in her eyes. Girl like me? He didn't stop there. "Your mom was a drug addict and who knows if you're still pure after that-"

"AJUSSHI! Do you think that low of me? I'm nothing like my mom and also th-that's a triggering topic. I still get nightmares for it. I love Hoseok. He's my everything. How can you say that I manipulated him?" Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't control herself.

"Stop your bullshits. This is not love. You only want our money. You're a gold digger." She never thought Hoseok's father will insult her like this. "I've zero interest in your money. I want nothing but your son and his happiness."

"Okay if you really love him then get out of my son's life. You want him to be successful, to be happy don't you?" Suddenly he held her hand. "Please Y/N I'm requesting you as a helpless father. Please."  Y/N felt like her world was spinning around. Hoseok really used to think about her 24/7. He was helplessly in love with her and she was not different either.  As a teenager Y/N did what she felt right to do and because of his dad she thought it was her fault for him not getting good grades and not concentrating on studies.

Hoseok's dad made her promise to leave him. He also told her not to say anything about this conversation. Y/N promised him that she'll leave him for good and won't tell about this incident. She left from there with a broken heart.

That day Y/N didn't go to school so she stayed at home, crying her heart out. She wrote a letter for Hoseok where she wrote that she's done with him. She never loved him, she was just messing around. Y/N had not the courage to tell him this things face to face. She told Jimin everything and he was so angry. He wanted to confront Hoseok's dad but she told him not to because it would complicate the situation more.

Two days later Hoseok came to Jimin's house excitedly to surprise Y/N but Jimin stopped him and gave him the letter saying she didn't want to meet him. After reading that letter he was devastated but more angry. He didn't want to trust those things but Jimin convinced him. Few days later she went to Canada for starting a new life because it was hurting her so much to see Hoseok so close yet so far away.

Flashback ends

Y/N paused for a brief moment then again started talking, still not looking at Hoseok. "I'm sorry. I know what I did was really stupid. I shouldn't have left you like that. Now you hate me more than before. Don't you? I understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I'll just-" She paused as she felt a pair of lips on her forehead. Hoseok hugged her tighter than before.

"Petal." Y/N froze hearing this name after years. When they were together, he never called her by her name but Petal. Hoseok made her look at him before cupping her cheeks. She looked straight into his eyes which was teary. "D-do you love me that much? All these years you were the one who was hurting more than me."

"I love you so much that you can't even imagine." Y/N said smiling at him. "I love you too. I'm sorry for all the things I said earlier." He apologized. "No don't be. It was my fault." She assured him. "It's none of our faults but appa's. I'm gonna confront him tomorrow." He said. Now I understand why he came to my room that night.

"No no. Past is past and tomorrow is an important day. Please don't create any scene. I promise I won't leave you ever again." She said. Whatever you say. I won't let go this matter. I can't believe my own father did this to me. Hoseok thought. "You better not and I'll think about it."

"You're so fucking stubborn." Y/N said rolling her eyes. "And you're so fucking stupid. Now come here. You deserve a punishment for it." He said smirking. "W-what? I'm already sore. I can't feel my legs already.i won't be able to walk tomorrow." She whined. "Not my problem. Deal with it." Hoseok captured her lips not giving her another chance to say one more word.

Meanwhile the boys got back an hour later after Hoseok and Y/N returned. "Yoongi where do you think you're going with Jimin?" Seokjin asked being so done. "My room. Why?" He replied. "He'll sleep in my room." The oldest ordered. "Come on hyung. He's so drunk. See-"

"Ahh mm-my d-daddy is soooooo handsome." Jimin nuzzled his nose in Yoongi's neck as the older held him. "No. Come on Jimin and Namjoon go to Yoongi's room." Seokjin left with Jimin. As for Taehyung and Jungkook they went to their room as soon as they stepped in the house. Cause Jungkook needed to teach someone a lesson. Yoongi sighed and held Namjoon's hand. "Let's go Joon-ah."

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