6. Preparation

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After the conversation Yoongi and Namjoon went to their work place and Seokjin went to edit his new cooking video. As for maknae line and Hoseok went to yoonmin's room to discuss the work. They didn't have work that day.

"Okay since we don't have much time so we've to divide works. We can't let Seokjin and Namjoon hyung doing all the work. They're the parents so they'll get special treatment like our angels." Jimin said while the others agreed with him.

"Tell me Jiminshii what I need to do. I'm doing this because of our angels or else you had to give me 70 bottles banana milk minimum." Hoseok looked at him with disbelief. "What the fuck Jungkookie!"

"What?" Jungkook acted as if he didn't say anything weird. "Don't worry Kookie. You'll get your banana milk after work." Jimin said. "Really?" Jungkook said, giving him puppy eyes. Jimin smiled and nodded. "Thank you hyung. You're the best."

"So now I'm your hyung huh?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yah I know I bully you all the time but I don't mean anything. I just love to see you mad." Jungkook said smiling cutely.

"Yeah yeah." Jimin rolled his eyes and then aslo smiled as well. "I love you Jimin hyung." Jungkook said pinching Jimin's nose. "Love you too."

"Awwww." Hoseok and Taehyung cooed at them. Then Jimin explained everything which was needed to do. "Okay everyone understand?" The trio nodded. "Okay I'll tell Yoongi about the food and stuffs. Now shoo shoo! Get to work everyone."

"Aye aye captain." With that they started working. They were decorating the hall where the venue would take place. They lived in a mansion so they had different places for parties and other stuffs.

Few hours have passed. Seokjin was finally done with his work. I hope my fans will enjoy the dish. Let's see what my princesses are up to. Then Seokjin went to his room and saw Leah was sleeping peacefully. He frowned when he saw Aria was sitting on the bed with a pouty face. He went to Aria's and sat beside her.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Seokjin said cupping Aria's face. She didn't answer and it made him sad. Did I do something wrong? "Are you mad at papa?" He asked.

"Where were you? Wae I not see you when I woke up?" Aria said still pouting. "Papa had work baby. That's why you didn't see me."

"Oh! I wash scared." Aria said sadly. "I'm so sorry princess. I promise from now on you'll see your papa beside you when you wake up." He felt so bad. Guilty rushed over him. "Powmise?"

"Promise baby." Aria hugged him. Leah woke up at that moment. She saw Seokjin and Aria hugging each other so she hugged them too. "Oh you're awake angel. Did you sleep well?"

"Yesh I did." Leah answered, rubbing her eyes. "Okay let's go and see what your uncles are doing." Seokjin washed the twin's face and fade them something. After that he took the girls to their uncles.

Where are they? As far as I know they don't have work today. Seokjin searched their bedrooms, garden, backyard, everywhere. This brats! Seokjin yelled their names as he didn't find them. Taehyung yelled back replying that they're at the hall.

Seokjin walked to the hallway with the girls wondering what they're doing. He entered the room. His jaw dropped as soon as he saw the room. The room was already beautiful but the lights, flowers made it more breathtaking. It was so gorgeous.

"What are you guys doing? What's this?" Seokjin was spellbound. They looked at him. "We're preparing for the party hyung. Do you like it? Oh our angels are here too." Jimin said.

"Like? I freaking love it but I'm mad at you guys." Seokjin said. "Why hyung? Is something wrong with the decoration?" Hoseok asked looking around.

"No! Why didn't you tell me about it? I could've help you with it." Seokjin answered. "You always help us hyung. So please let us do this for you and our babies." Jungkook said. "I know you all are adults but you'll be always kids to me. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you hyung." Taehyung said. "But that doesn't I'm not mad anymore. Now that I'm here. I'm gonna help you or else-" Jimin knew if he said one more word, Seokjin would've lost it. After that they started working together except Jungkook.

On the other hand Jungook was playing with the girls. Everything was alright until a scream echoed the room. Everyone gasped at this sudden sound. "Jungkook-ah why did you scream all of a sudden?" Seokjin asked with concern.

"Hyung! Jungkook whined. They couldn't understand what was wrong until Jungkook pointed at his pant. "Huh? Is it pee I'm seeing on your pant?" Taehyung said while the youngest just pouted. 

Everyone got silent for a moment before started laughing at the scene. Specifically Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok. Leah was unbothered and continued her playing. Aria was staring at Jungook blankly.

"Sorry Kook." Said Seokjin. "Don't worry hyung. I screamed cause I got scared. I thought something's wrong with me." Jungkook replied. "Ari, say sorry to googie."

"Sowy." Jungkook's heart melted. He picked her up and said, "Hey princess. Don't be sorry. You can do whatever you want. I won't mind at all cause you're my angel." He put her down. "Hyung go wash Ari and don't you dare to think buying me another pant. I know what you're thinking."

"Okay okay." Then Seokjin took Aria to wash and change her clothes while Leah was playing. She didn't want to go.

"Taehyung, why are you laughing? Is it funny to you? You don't love me anymore." Jungkook said folding his arms. "I'm sorry Kookie but it was so funny." Taehyung said, dying of laughter. "I hate you." Jimin and Hoseok were so done with them.

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