25. Chaos

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Two months have been passed since Jimin and Yoongi's wedding. They went to honeymoon in Maldives while all the boys and the twins including Y/N went on a vacation together. After returning everyone went back to work.

Namjoon started going his office like before, Seokjin started making videos while taking care or Aria and Lia. Yoongi started producing musics, Jimin also initiated a dance school beside his profession. Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok also started doing their own things like before. As for Y/N, she were hired in a quite well known company as a private lawyer.

It was Sunday evening so Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung and Y/N decided to go to a salon for doing spa, nails, hair and also shopping. The twin didn't want to go as they wanted to play with their daddy and uncles because they always work. They don't spend time with them. So Seokjin had to leave the girls with others.

"Listen punks! We don't know when we'll be back. Don't let them stay awake after 8." The eldest ordered. "Don't give them sweets before bed. Especially you Yoongi. I know you can't say no to their puppy eyes." Yoongi shrugged before saying "what can I say? They're so cute."

"That's why we are telling all of you, don't give in how much they give you puppy eyes." Taehyung said. "They're so smart. They know you guys are wrapped around their pinkies." Y/N said giggling. "Ok and Namjoon?" Namjoon looked at Seokjin with confusion. "Don't go near my precious kitchen or else I'll cut your dick into two and play with it." Seokjin threatened. "B-but I thought of making a special dish for my daughters." Namjoon said gulping. "Hell no! Boys don't let him go near my kitchen or else-"

"Ok ok hyung now go." Hoseok said taking him towards the door. "Yah I'm going. Bye babies! Be good to your dada and uncles." He said. The twin nodded and gave them a sweet smile as if they're gonna listen to them. "We're free." Leah whispered. "Leshh give them hward time." Aria whispered back giggling. "What are you two whispering about?"

Meanwhile "I'm worried. I wonder what they're doing now." Seokjin said on their way of the salon. "Don't worry they'll be fine." Y/N assured. "We know you were stressed that's why we decided to go out but you're stressing again." Jimin said. "Enjoy the evening hyung. Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon hyung, Jungkook all are with them." Taehyung said placing his hand on Seokjin's. The eldest sighed before saying an "ok."

Two hours have passed. The twin didn't lie when they said they're gonna give them hard time. They really did give the boys a hard time by throwing tantrums, eating chocolates sneakily or sometimes in front of them while giving puppy eyes, scattering plushies, toys here and there, running around the house until they got tired. The boys had a very hard time of feeding them. They didn't want to eat. The boys were so exhausted. After putting them into the bed they cleaned the room, kitchen and everywhere they made mess.

Namjoon really wanted to cook but he didn't have time because of his daughters. After that they sat on the sofa wearily, having a breath of relief. "Damn I didn't know they're such brats." Jungkook muttered having a tiring sigh. "How does Jin hyung do it everyday?"Hoseok said in disbelief. "We four can't even handle two kids aish." Namjoon face palmed. "I know right. Thank God they're finally asleep." Yoongi said feeling exhausted.

They stayed quiet for few minutes until they noticed Jungkook was playing with his fingers while chewing his bottom lip. He looked lost in thoughts. The rest didn't understand about the sudden change of his mood. They changed glances with each other.

"Kook-ah what happened?" Yoongi asked with concern. "You were fine few minutes ago. Is something bothering you?" Namjoon was worried for his maknae. "Tell your hyungs Jungkook-ah. You look nervous." Hoseok said. Jungkook took a deep breath. "Actually I was thinking..."

The boys' jaw dropped hearing what Jungkook was saying. They thought it was important but turned out it was a really really important matter. They never saw the younger this nervous before. Though they were happy for Jungkook. Yeah it was not a trouble one but special one. Very very special. "So what do you think hyungs?"

The others were quiet for few seconds before saying "YES" in unison. "Kook-ah that's a great idea and you know your hyungs will always support you whatever the matter is so you have got this maknae." Namjoon said while the others agreed and said the same thing. They were truly happy for him and Jungkook knew that better than anyone.

At that moment "we're homeeeeee." Taehyung was the first to get into the room, the others coming after him. "I'm so tired. Gonna go freshen up so talk to you later guys." With that Taehyung went to his room. "Woah my house exactly looks same. I'm impressed." Seokjin praised. "Are they asleep?" Jimin asked before earning a nod from his husband.

"Guys our Jungkookie wants to tell you something." Namjoon said. "What happened?" Y/N asked in confusion. "Sit down first." They all sat down. After that Jungkook explained everything to others. He knew Taehyung would take a lot of time to freshen up. He didn't want him to know because it was a surprise. As expected they had the same reaction like the other three. "Woah Jungkook-ah. I'm so happy for you." Seokjin said. "I'm gonna dance now." Jimin said with excitement.

"Jimin be quiet. We don't want Taehyung to know it right now. Do we?" Yoongi said. Jimin shook his head to right and left, putting his index finger on his lips. "Thanks everyone. I'm gonna go to his parents' house tomorrow. I already talked to mine." The youngest said. "Really? What did they say?" Y/N asked. "They agreed of course." Jungkook answered showing his bunny teeth. They talked for a while before going to their rooms.

At night "Joonie how do I look?" Namjoon was reading a book. He closed the book when he heard Seokjin's voice. His mouth hung open when he saw what his husband was wearing. Seokjin was wearing a white lace dress with a choker. Namjoon eyed him from top to bottom and licked his lips.

"I bought this today only for you." He said seductively. "Is that so?" Namjoon said, smirking while looking at him with lust. "Mmm." Seokjin hummed in response. Namjoon stood up from the arm chair and moved closer to his husband. Seokjin being a tease he was, he stepped backward while looking into Namjoon's eyes until his back hit the wall. He could feel Namjoon's hot breath on his face. He was about to run away but Namjoon caught him and pinned his both hands above his head. "You can't leave me like this." Namjoon said smashing his lips onto Seokjin's. He was kissing him desperately. He bit his husband's bottom lip between the kiss causing him moan. "On fours now."

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