Meeting someone new

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Squid POV
Once we were finished with the recording, we edited it and posted it on YouTube. Stampy's channel since it was in his world. We all talked about what to do next and no one had any ideas. But that's when one came across my head. It was such a great idea that I couldn't wait to go ahead and get started. "I have an amazing idea, we have never done this before so it's brand new and it has to do with filming another video. You guys up for it?" I began. "Sure but tell us what it is first." Amy replied, laughing a little bit. "Ok so have about we make a vlog, and since we all have Skype, we can get our fans to video chat with us, we'll post it on YouTube as well. It'll be great fun! What do you guy say?" "That sounds great! Out fans will absolutely love it!" Stampy said, I could tell by his voice that he is so excited that we could all just start filming right now! "How about you Amy? What do you say? We'll post it on all of our channels, that way it'll get more views!" I encouraged her. "Oh alright! Let's get things set up. I'll go on Instagram and twitter and tell our follower and fans to watch the video and to call in now." "Yes!!! Thanks so much, it wouldn't have been fun without you!" Me and Stampy replied giving each other high fives.

1 hour later...

"Ok, everything is set up, so lets not waste anymore time and get started with the video." I told Stampy and Amy. They both agreed with me almost right away.
That's when the vlog began. We got so many calls, our fans were so nice, they all had something nice to say to us. We must have gotten over 20 calls. Each lasted around a minute or so. We all agreed to one more call, from a girl named Sqaishey, who happens to live near here. Stampy pressed the answer button, and a girl with long brown hair and one blonde highlight on the bottom of her hair came up on the screen of the computer.

Stampy POV
I clicked the answer button, and this beautiful girl came up named Sqaishey. "Hi Stampy, Amy and Squid! My name is Sqaishey! I can't believe that I am actually talking to you guys! You are all my favourite youtubers, and I never miss any one of your videos!" She said. "Hello Sqaishey!" Me, Amy, and Squid replied. "So Sqaishey, how are you today?" I asked her. This call went on for a long time. Around an hour maybe. I just couldn't bring myself to say goodbye to her. We talked about random things and I saw Squid and Amy stop the video, say goodbye to Sqaishey, and go downstairs. Probably to edit the video or to just relax.
I could tell that Sqaishey was going to be a good friend of ours. She was going to be a part of the MAC, and I was going to make sure of it. After all, she did tell me that she would love to someday meet in real life, not just on Skype.

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