Always more than just friends.

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Sqaishey POV

A week had passed and I had realized that I still had feelings for Stampy.

I missed mine and Stampy's relationship...

I miss him...

Now that we're not together anymore, I came to my senses and realized that my break up with him was the worst mistake of my life...

I want him back in my life, and not just as a friend... Not like it is now...

I want us together as a couple again...

I want to be able to kiss him again, to hug him again, and to know that he feels the same way...

But I doubt that, that'll happen...

I completely doubt that he'll ever want me back...

Stampy POV

I was sitting on the couch in the living room. I looked over to Sqaishey, who seemed to be lost in all her thoughts.

What's she thinking about?

"Sqaishey? U ok?" I asked as I placed my right hand on her shoulders, then realized that it became awkward. I quickly pulled away my hand to save us from that awkward moment.

And I could've bet anyone that she blushed once my hand touched her shoulder.

Did she still have feelings for me?

"I'm fine..." She immediently replied as she continued to look the other way.

I'm fine, huh? That's one of the biggest lies that people tell... I know that something is up...

And even tho we aren't together anymore, I'll be there for her...

"Actually... I'm not fine." She admitted as tears came rolling down her face.

"Sqaishey... What's wrong?" I asked her as I pulled her into a hug. Which was awkward at first then... surprisingly comfortable.

I looked her in the eyes and told her to tell me what's been going on once more.

"Our breakup... Ok? I just love you so much and it hurts..." She started to cry even more, pulling away from that hug. "Sqaishey, it was my fault, I was the one who decided to do what your father said, I should've just said no and been a man. I should've faced up to him and I'm so sorry..." I apologized. "I just wanted to keep us all safe, I'm so sorry..." I continued as I now began to cry. "And I should have known that you had your reasons or doing what you did... I'm sorry too." Sqaishey added. "So why do you think of us just starting fresh?" I asked as she broke into a smile, which made me smile.

"Yeah, I'd love that." She giggled, wiping her tears away and breaking into a smile.

I slowly leaned in and pecked her lips, I felt her kiss me back passionately and I really didn't want to pull away.

We continued our kiss but were interrupted by Amy.

"Hey guys, have you seen my- OMG! You guys are back together!" Amy squealed as she walked down the stairs. Me and Sqaishey both pulled away and started to blush. Our faces went even redder as Amy continued.

"Aww! I knew that you two would eventually end back up together! Your perfect for each other!" She giggled.

"Guys! What's all this noise about!" Squid chuckled as he came into the room. "They KISSED!!!" Amy squealed once more.

I couldn't help but blush even more...

And I'm pretty sure that same thing goes for Sqaishey!

"Really?" Squid chuckled as he gave me a silly look that made me blush. "Yas!!!" Amy squealed as she jumped into Squid's arms. "Wow! I'm so happy for you guys! You really are perfect for each other!" Squid grinned, still holding Amy in his arms. 

He leaned over and pecked Amy's cheek. "How about we all just forget the past, and live like nothing bad ever happened. Let's all focus on the future, instead of holding onto the past. Congrats you guys! I really am so happy for you both! So what do you say? Wanna celebrate?" Squid finished of. 

"I love you Stampy."Sqaishey whispered. "I love you too." I told her as Amy and Squid both cooed. "I agree Squid! Let's celebrate the fact that things are going back to the happy way that they were before! And... that me and Stampy are offically back together now!" Sqaishey giggled. 

"Great! Then how about we have a double date sort of celebration. Me and you Sqaishey, plus Squid and Amy." I asked them all. "Yeah! That sounds great! When tho?" Amy cheered. "Tomorrow night perhaps?" Squid suggested. "That's perfect!" Sqaishey giggled as she leaned her head against my shoulders. 

"Great, then it's settled!" I added. 

I looked into Sqaishey's eyes as she did the same with mine. I really love her, and I won't let anything drag me away from her...

Not this time...

She and I belong with one another, and I really don't want to lose her again.

I'll do everything that I can this time, I'll make sure of it!

I'm just so happy that we were able to put the past behind one another and get our relationship back together! 

I love her so much!

Hi! My apologies for not updating this book for the longest time ever. There has just been so much going on in my life, and I've been really busy. I've also lost my inspiration and motivation for updating all my books, but no worries... I'm back now! I hope that you guys understand, and again my apologies. I will try to update a bit more, but I can't promise a new chapter every single day. Again, I hope that you guys understand. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! 


~Liz. <3 

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