The problem

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5 days later
Stampy POV
These past few days have been amazing! I've been talking to Sqaishey over Skype for every minute that has passed in these five days. She is the most fantastic person that I have met, she's kind, sweet, adorable... Wait? Did I just say that she's adorable? I've only known her for five days! Ever since me, Squid, and Amy made that vlog. I can't possibly think that she's adorable... Not yet anyways...
That's when it hit me... Squid suggested the idea of making that vlog and skyping our fans. If Squid never suggested his idea, then I probably would never have meet Sqaishey. What would I be doing, instead of talking to her? Why am I so worked up on this? I should just think of the good. I better not think about things like that, I should just be happy that Squid suggested the idea, I should be happy that I met Sqaishey, happy that she was one of our fans that called us.
I have now known her for five days, and it's time that we met in person.
I went back upstairs to my room, I was downstairs in the living room, and turned on my laptop. Wait... How do I ask her if she wants to meet in person. Should I just come out and say it? Or just try to fit it somewhere in a conversation?
Why was I so nervous? I've been talking to her, for what seems like a long time, i mean come on...five days i should definitely see her in person. and I now have an understanding of what type of person she is, she isn't a criminal or anything like that. She's a sweet person with a kind heart. Part of me believed that, but the other wasn't so sure. I guess that there's only one way to find out...
My laptop was now on, I clicked on the Skype logo, and just as i was about to call Sqaishey, I heard a loud "thmmp." sound. Followed by a scream from Squid.
Great... Just as my bravery and courage of telling Sqaishey that I want to meet in person ross, a problem had to accure... Making me have to leave my question for Sqaishey to be delayed.
I turned of my laptop and ran downstairs to see what happened with Squid. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing at this moment... We're they just playing a trick on me or is this reality? I ran to Squid not wanting to believe that this really just happened... A yelp of pain came across Squid's face as I called the police...

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