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Me and Amy continued on talking about things and that was when Squid and Stampy came back. They had bags in their hands, hmm... What's in there, I couldn't help but wonder.
So I decided to ask.
"What's in those bags?" I asked them. "Uhh... Nothing... Really, it's nothing. Just some... Food..." Squid answered, and I knew him well enough to know that he's lying. "Oh yeah... Food. Ok, let me help you unpack these groceries." I said as I reached over to take one of the bags from Squid.
"No, that's alright. We're fine, right Stampy?" He said, while pulling the bags away from me.

They're definitely hiding something...

"Yeah, they are... Now... Go and... Find out... What it... Is..." That voice that I had been recently hearing, told me.

Yeah and I'm going to listen to you... I thought. But instead of just thinking it, I by accidentally said it out loud. "What did you just say to us?" Stampy asked, sounding really confused. Squid and Stampy both exchanged looks, confused looks that is. "Oh nothing... I wasn't talking to you." I told them."Then who were you just talking too?" Squid asked me. "Umm.." I thought for a reasonable answer for a minute. "Myself! Yeah, I talk to myself a lot!" I lied. I knew that Amy knew exactly what happened... I heard that voice again... Ok, who ever this voice is, is starting to get on my nerves... I will not keep this up anymore... I need some serious help...

"Yeah you do..." That voice haunted me once more...
Squid and Stampy told me and Amy to go upstairs while they unpack something's, things that I still didn't know what they were... I'm sure that I'll find out, eventually... "So, are you okay, you seemed pretty creeped out downstairs..." Amy asked me. "I guess so, it's just so weird... Nobody except me hearing this mysterious voice, there has to be some reason of why their trying to communicate with me.
"Like what?" Amy asked me. I had no idea of what to say, absolutely nothing came to my mind at this moment. Only one question that i have wanted to know the answer to for a long time...

Why am I hearing this voice?

Came to my mind, and that wasn't even a possible answer to Amy's question. "I don't know." Was the only other thing that I could think of saying, and that's exactly what I said. "Yeah, ok so when did you start hearing this voice?" She asked yet another question. This time I knew exactly what to say. "Around the time when Squid came out of the hospital... What could that mean?" I asked. "I don't know, but I do think that you need to go and see a therapist or someone like that. Trust me, I've been thinking a lot since you told me and I think that it'll really benefit and help you. Sqaishey, you need help, and I now realize that I can't do anything... As much as I want to help... I can't. Here... This is my uncle's number, he's a therapist, and I really think that he can help you. Please take this idea into consideration. It's for your own good..." That's when she finished off. I couldn't stop thinking off what she had just told me... To make things simpler, she could have just told me that something was wrong with me and that I needed help... At least that's how I thought of it.
Oh no... Stampy.
If he really does like me then... What will he think about the whole hearing voices thing... He's definitely going to think different about me... That I'm not sweet, kind, or funny... That I'm insane... Cause I hear voices that aren't even real...
"Amy... There's also one more thing, what about Stampy? If he finds out, then he's going to think that I'm crazy, he's not going to like me anymore..." I said, letting my voice trail off near the end of my sentence."If he truely likes you, then he won't think that your insane, he'll help you through this, without judging you." She replied. "So I guess that theres only one way to find out, huh?" I asked her. "Yep... You have to tell him."
What's he going to think?
Is he going to think that I'm insane, and make me leave?
Am I really going to see that therapist?
Will I get cured?
Millions of questions raced through my mind... Most about Stampy... I'm going to have to tell him...Sooner rather than later...

Hi!!! Please comment some suggestions of what should happen next, and your opinions of this book! Please only good comments and suggestions! I would really appreciate it, thanks! With that said... Bye!!!

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