Celebrating Sqampy's return

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Sqaishey POV

The next evening, we were all ready for our double date celebratory dinner. We had decided to go to one of the most fanciest restaurants in town, I couldn't wait! I had just finished curling my hair and putting on my fanciest outfit which consisted of a ruffled navy blue dress that went up to my knees, an astonishing diamond necklace and silver heels. I walked out of my room to see Amy, Squid, and Stampy already waiting for me. Amy had a dark pink knee length dress on, gold heels, and a beautiful gold necklace to match the heels. Her hair was also curled and layed down on her left shoulder, which looked absolutely amazing on her! She held some red roses, which I believe were given to her by Squid. Squid, who stood right beside Amy, had a black and white tux on with dress shoes. He also gelled his hair down. Then Stampy... the love of my life no matter what, had on a black and white tux, just like Squid, and dress shoes to go with it. His hair was curly as always.

I walked down the stairs with a big smile on my face as they watched me come down, I couldn't stop myself from blushing and I didn't even know why. "You look stunning Sqaishey, absolutely breathtaking. Here, these are for you." Stampy smiled as he handed me some red roses. "Thanks, and you look completely spectacular as well!" I smiled as I took a sniff of the gorgeous red roses that he had given to me. Once I looked up, our faces were right against one anothers, so I leaned in for a kiss. "Thanks Stampy." "Your welcome" We whispered between kisses.

"You guys ready to go?" Squid asked as me and Stampy pulled apart.

I looked directly into Stampy's eyes as we both answered 'yes' at the exact same time. "Great, let's go!" Squid said as he took Amy's hand into his and looked down at them with a cheeky smile on his face.


Once we got to the restaurant, we sat down and immediently ordaered our meals. "Consitering how busy it is here, we got our orders said really fast!" Stampy chuckled. "Yep! That's a good thing!" I laughed back. We all talked and laughed, and ten minutes later, our food had arrived.

"Thanks." I thanked the waitress as she passed around our plates. She smiled in return and finished up.

As we all ate, I couldn't get rid of the thought of me and Stampy's relationship. I just can't believe that we're back together! I truly wasn't the same without him. He makes me the better person that I am today. I just love him so much!

"I'm so glad that we're back together." I smiled as I took Stampy's hand into mine. "Me too." He kindly smiled back. "Are you two going to kiss or what?" Squid suddenly said, as he interrupted our moment. 

Me and Stampy both gave him a glare at the exact same moment.

"What? I was just asking!" Squid laughed as he put his arms up in surrender. 

"Squid!" Amy laughed. "Yes my little mermaid." Squid answered. "Let them have thier moment, I mean come on, you wouldn't want them to interupt us like that." Amy convinced Squid. "True." Squid laughed as he held Amy's waist and pulled her closer to him. They both leaned in and passionately kissed. 

"Now where were we?" Stampy chuckled to me. "Umm, we were saying how great it is that we're back together now." I told him. "Oh yeah, and I was just about to do this." Stampy smiled as he leaned in closer to me. Our foreheads touched leaving our lips only a couple centimenteres away from each otehrs. I looked down at his lips as I bit my mouth ever so slightly, I then looked back up at his eyes, then back down to his lips. We both leaned in even more and our lips collided. 

I could hear the slight giggling sensations of Amy and the small yet quiet chuckle's of Squid as we kissed. 

But none of that mattered to me, I was just happy to be with the one person that I truely and deeply loved. 

Once we both pulled away, we finished with our dinner and got some dessert. I ordered a brownie cake with vanilla ice cream on top and so did Stampy. Squid and Amy both ordered the same brownie cake, but with chocolate ice cream on top of there's. 

We all ate and joked around. We just generally had the time's of our lives here. Who knew that going to a restaurant could be so fun and exciting. It was also extremely delicious! 

"You like it here?" Stampy asked me. "Yeah, a lot!" I giggled. "That's great! Cause I'm thinking and, hoping that we should come again!" "I agree!" I laughed as I took a spoonful of my brownie cake and ate it. 

"I love you guys." I blushed as I looked at them all. 

"We love you too Sqaishey! I love all of you!"  Amy blushed. 

"I love this little family of ours!" Squid chuckled. 

"I love you guys too." Stampy smiled, as did the rest of us. 

Hiii! Waddup ppl? K, I can't even cuz Sqampy's back in this book! I absolutely adore them as a couple! Hbu guys? Well, I guess that, that's all there is to say for now other than I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Plz leave some comments and suggestions for me in the comment section! Thanks! Love ya! Byeee!!!

~Liz. :) 

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