The best day ever - Part two

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Sqaishey POV
We arrived at the apartement, I couldn't contain my excitement! I just love surprises!!! We got out of the apartment and made our way inside! I can't wait! How could this day possibly get any better!
Stampy took out his keys, from his pocket and unlocked the door. He let me and Amy in, while he and Squid followed behind us. I turned on the lights and...
"SURPRISE!!!" The whole MAC (Magic Animal Club) screamed. "Wow! Hi! What's all of this for?" I asked, as the group got up from they're hiding places. "Its a party for you Sqaishey! We all wanted to meet you! I'm Netty by the way, Stampy's sister!" She told me. "Thanks, and I'm Sqaishey, as you already know!" I answered as I shoke her hand. "Stampy, Amy, and Squid have said such great things about you, it's nice to finally meet you! I'm Lee!" Lee greeted me. "Aww, that's so sweet!" I said as I looked at Stampy, Amy, and Squid. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Sqaishey!" I said as I shoke Lee's hand. I met the rest of the MAC and became really good friends with them. I met: Lee, Netty, Tomohawk, Rosie, and Finball. They were all so nice! This is such a great surprise, I don't even know how to thank them for all of this! "Amy..." I began. "Yeah..." She answered. "Did you know about all of this?" "Yep! I helped the guys plan it! Not the restaurant and carnival, but this... Yes." She replied. "Thanks!" I said to everyone. This was truely a night to remember! That's when we all began eating, there was tons of party food, it was all so delicious!
Once everyone had finished eating, we all began to okay some games. "So, what game should we all play?" Squid asked, as we all sat in a circle in the middle of the living room. A bunch of "I don't know's" were being said throughout the room.
That's when Stampy had an idea. I could tell by the look on his face. He kept quiet for a minute or so, then when everyone started quieting down he said his idea.
"How about truth or dare?" He asked. "Sure! Let's play!" everyone agreed, and the game began...

Hi!!! I have some news for you guys, and I'm so sorry about this, but I will make up for it, I promise! Anyways, I'm going on my graduation trip tomorrow, and I most likely won't have anytime to update any chapters, as I will be busy with tours, but once I do come back, I will update! So plz, just bare with me here, I will update as soon as I can. Thanks! I really appreciate it! Bye!

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