The voice

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The next day, I woke up and put on my daytime clothes, which consisted of a blue tank top, a darker blue crop top over it, and some jeans. i didnt think that anyone was awake yet so i just went downstairs and into the living room. There i had realized that i was wrong. Stampy was awake. "Hey! When did you wake up? You were so quiet to come downstairs! I honestly thought that i would have to wait a while for someone to wake up!" "Hi, so i see that your an early morning person too, huh?" I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh as he said that. "You seem like someone who likes to sleep in!" I joked. "Yeah well so do you!" He joked back. He stood up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" He asked me. "I dont know, what do you have?" "We have anything! Pancakes, waffles, eggs, cereal, muffins! Come on, pick something." "Oh alright, I'll take some eggs." "How do you like them? Scrammbled?" He told me. "Yep, thanks! Do you need some help making those?" I asked. "Sure, do know how to make them?" He said with a sarcastic tone of voice. "Yes i now how to make them!" I laughed. We gathered the ingredients that we would need. "Lets make some for Amy and Squid too. Amy said that she'll come at around 10 in the morning, just the time that Squid usually wakes up at. So that gives us 45 minutes to prepare the food." Stampy explained. "Sure! Lets get cooking!" I said.
I took the eggs, cracked them, and the yoke spilled perfectly into the pan. Little did I know that it somehow got on Stampy! We both began into fits of laugher. To get back at me, he took the yokes out of the pan and threw them at me! I was so shocked and surprised, I didn't expect it at all, that I let out a little scream. "Food Fight!!!!!" Stampy screamed. "Your on!" I said while gathering ingredients that I could throw at Stampy. We kept up this food fight for 35 more minutes, the kitchen was a mess! A disaster even! That was when Squid came down the stairs, and said "What are you two doing? You woke me up! And what happened to the kitchen?" He finished off. "Food Fight!!!!!" Me and Stampy both screamed in unison, as we began throwing food at Squid. Five minutes later, Came a knock on the door, it was Amy. I opened the door, and just as I did, Squid threw some food at me, I ducked down, and it hit Amy instead. We all kept up this food fight for around 10 more minutes. Until we all decided to stop and clean up the kitchen. Once we cleaned up the kitchen I made everyone some toast. We all finished eating, and then went into the living room. That's when someone called me...
It wasn't Stampy, it wasn't Amy, and it wasn't Squid...
Then would could it have been?
No one else seemed to hear this person calling me...
They all just kept watching the movie that we were watching. This was getting so creepy, to the point where I'm terrified...

"Hello? Can you... Hear... Me?" The voice said.

It's probably just my imagination... It's fake, I'm defiantly just hearing things...

"You...can't ignore... me forever..."

The voice kept saying. Every word that was said, kept on replaying in my head... And it just wouldn't go away...

What was happening to me?

Who was this mysterious person?

How would I ever find out?

Hi!!! What's up you guy's? I hope that your enjoying this book so far! Oh, and what's happening to Sqaishey? Please read the next chapter! Bye!!!

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