The best day ever- part one

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Stampy POV
We got into the car, and headed to where the double date was going to be. The girls don't know where we're going yet. Me and Squid had planned it in advance. All I could tell them, was that they're going to have a great time. Amy and Sqaishey kept on asking us where we're going, through the first half of the car ride, like what most little kids do. At one point, Sqaishey started to pretend cry, we all began into fits of laughter of her doing so. We were laughing so much that Squid, who was driving the car, had to pull over at a stop, so that we could all get our laughter out of us. I'm glad he did so, or else there might have been an accident or something like that. Though it was super hilarious when he did so, we all eventually stopped laughing and calmed down a bit. So that we could make it to our destination before midnight!
It was now 7:15pm, so we had plenty of time.
After around 6 more minutes of driving, we got to our destination. Which was a fancy Italian restaurant. Once we finish eating, me and Squid are going to take the girls to this carnival to play games. It's going to be so much fun! I even have a special surprise for Sqaishey! Anyways, we entered the resturant and got seated.
We all ordered our food, once it came, we all ate and talked and laughed. It was amazing! And this was only just the beginning! Once we finished eating, we payed for our food and headed back into the car. The girls thanked us for the dinner and we were off.
"So, where are we going too now?" "A carnival! Oh and I've got a suprise for you Sqaishey!" I cheered. "You do Stampy! Oh that's so sweet! Thanks!" Sqaishey thanked me. "And as for you Amy... Well you'll see, I've got a surprise for you too!" "Really? That's so sweet Squiddy!" Amy replied happily. "No problem!" Squid answered.
After around five more minutes of driving, we got to the carnival.
We started off by playing some of the games, I played the ring toss game and I won Sqaishey a stuffed duck toy. Squid played and won Amy a stuffed mermaid toy. Then we all played some other arcade games, and went on some of the rides.
It was a lot of fun! But after an hour and a half of doing so, we all got extremely tired. So me and Squid suggested that we go home. But the fun wasn't over just yet.

Sqaishey POV
Once we finished at the carnival, we headed back home, but Stampy told me that the fun wasn't over just yet... What could that mean? Oh... Is it the surprise that he and Squid were talking about earlier? It most likely is! I can't wait!

Hi!!! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!!!

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