Did she hear it?

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Sqaishey POV
I ran back downstairs. To see what happened to Amy. And I couldn't believe what I saw... There was the ghost that I've been seeing and hearing, and he was doing something incredibly scary...

Some of the living room furniture had been floating in the air... Stampy happened to be sitting on one of the couches, and the ghost just made that couch fly in the air, along with the rest... Why was he doing this?!?! Cause he wants us out of here faster?
I don't know what he wants but I'm not going to let him torture me anyone...

It was actually kind of funny seeing Stampy sitting on a floating and flying couch, begging to come back down. Apparently the ghost can let certain people be able to see him... If he wants to be seen by someone then he'll make himself visible to those people only.
Hmm... That was actually pretty cool... Creepy at times... But cool.
But there's only one thing, how do we get this ghost to leave? Do we actually have to leave? "Umm... Mr ghost..." What? I don't know what his name is! Lol. "I umm wanted to ask you to leave please..." I continued. "Only if you do what I command..." He replied. Guess we'll just ignore you. Hmm.. I wonder if that a good idea since he can make our furniture float!
"We'll, what about that date? We neer really got a chance to go.... " Stampy said as the couch got placed back down on the ground by the ghost. "Yeah sure, how about tonight? Squid and Amy, do you want to join us? It can be a double date!" I replied. "Sure!" Squid and Amy both replied in unison. "Alright then, it's settled, tonight at let's say 7pm." "Ok" The rest of us agreed. "Amy, wanna go shopping?" "Ok, and how about you two boys go get ready as well." Amy answered. "Ok." The guys replied. So that was that, me and Amy went out shopping, while the guys went to their stores. We agreed to meet up at the house near 7pm. So that we could go.
We had around 3 hours to shop.
Once me and Amy finished getting our outfits, we went back to the apartment finding Stampy and Squid already there. They went up stairs to their rooms to get changed. Amy went into the guest room, and that left me to go change in the bathroom. Once I began changing, I noticed that when we came in, the furniture was organized in a different way... At least it was on the floor! I changed into my dark blue knee length dress, and heels that I had just bought. I did my make up and French braided my hair.
I came out, and just a minute later, Amy came out of our room, with her pink, knee length dress, and heels. She applied a bit if make up and Dutch braided her hair. "Amy, you look beautiful!" I told her. "As do you!" She answered. We laughed and talked until we realized what time it was, 6:57pm. 3 minutes till 7! We walked down the stairs to see Stampy and Squid ready to go, they were both wearing tuxes. "Sqaishey you look beautiful!" Stampy said as he handed me some flowers. "Thanks, and you look quite handsome yourself." I answered. We both hugged as Squjd and Amy were still talking.

Squid POV
Me and Stampy were in the living room, waiting for the girls to come down. We were already dressed, and five minutes later, Amy and Sqaishey came down the stairs. I couldn't take my eyes off of Amy, she was absolutely beautiful! "Amy, you look outstanding! Absolutely magnificent!" I complimented her. "Thanks," She began as a small blush rose up her cheeks. "You look amazing as well." She continued. "Thanks. Oh and here you go, these are for you." I said as I handed her the flowers. She hugged me as a thank you. I then kissed her, and she kissed me back. "Sqamy, come on let's go!" Stampy exclaimed to us. We both pulled away blushing. I took Amy's hand and we all made our way to the car.
This is going to be the best night ever! Hopefully the apartment is still in one piece when we come back, I guess that we'll just have to convince the ghost to leave. But for now, all I want to think about is how much fun this date is going to be.

Hi!!! Lol, the beginning of this chapter! I wanted to kind of make it funny! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully, you'll enjoy the next future chapters too! Also, i want to give YayBooksYay a shout Out! cause she always gives me one, in her books, and she always votes and comments on my book! She is an outstanding person,friend, and writer, so thanks so much!!!

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